"This is absurd," cried the jeweler, "it is impossible. I should need half a score of persons and six months labor to satisfy so foolish a demand."
"Are there any winged ants in Jidda?" asked the cadi.
"Of course," answered the merchants, laughing, "they are one of the plagues of Egypt. Our houses are full of them, and it would be doing us a great service to rid us of them."
"Then Ali must keep his promise or give back the casket," said the cadi.
"This young man was mad to sell his diamonds weight for weight; he is mad to exact such payment.
So much the better for Ali the first time, so much the worse for him the second.
Justice has not two weights and measures. Every bargain holds good before the law.
Either furnish twenty pounds of ants'wings, or restore the casket to the Banian."