And your friends see you studying and studying. They see you studying all day. And you make it look so easy. But they have no idea of the gunfire going off in your head, because the real battlefield is in your mind.
It's never the situation that you find yourself in. It's always in your head. This is your moment. This is your year of transformation. Complete rethinking, re-examining, rescheduling, re-evaluating. This is the battlefield. It's not exams. It's not reports. It's not enemies. It's not teachers. It's not parents. That's not the battlefield. Stop wasting your time focusing on these things and look within you.
It is something that is ingrained in every successful person. To look at the external problems around you, and improve and fix yourself to be able to overcome those problems. The ability to push through difficult times. The more you overcome today, the easier you will overcome obstacles tomorrow.
And once you build up that momentum of improving your productivity, it becomes a whole lot easier. And it's funny how it works. The more you study, the more you prepare for your exams. The easier your exams will be. The easier University will be. The easier it will be to get a good internship or graduate job after you graduate. It's really very simple.
The more effort you put into developing yourself and improving your studying, the easier your life will be. Respect the struggle of your journey, because it's the struggle that will build you to become stronger. But be persistent. Keep working on.
It's going to be hard. But that is an incredible thing, because you're going to figure it out. You will pull through. You have enough time. You have enough resources. You have enough commitment. You will find a way to smash your exams. You will figure things out. When tomorrow comes, you might not know what steps to take, but believe in yourself.