a big heart 心胸開闊
a cold and unfeeling heart 冷酷無情的人
a compassionate heart 同情心
a cruel and pitiless heart 殘忍無情的人
a false heart 居心叵測
a feeling heart 富于感情/同情的人
a generous heart 慷慨大方
a heart of gold 心地善良的人
a heart of stone/flint 鐵石心腸的人
a man of heart 有感情的人
a man without a heart 無情的人
a young man with his heart in his teaching profession 專心教師工作的年輕人
an evil heart 惡毒的人
be false of heart 不老實
be rent by conflicting emotions (心情)錯綜復(fù)雜
be sad at heart 心里很悲傷
bear one's heart to sb.推心置腹說出真心話
break one's heart from disappointed love 因失戀而心碎
break one's heart over one's death 因某人的死亡而痛心
brighten one's heart 使某人心情愉快
cherish in one's secret heart an ambition 心里暗藏著一個抱負
cry one's heart out 悲痛欲絕
die of a broken heart 傷心而死
fill one's heart with joy 使心里充滿喜悅
from the heart of hearts 從內(nèi)心深處
gain the heart of a pretty girl 博得一位漂亮姑娘的歡心
give one's heart to sb.愛上某人
hard of heart 冷酷,殘忍
have a hard heart 生性冷酷
have no heart for study 無心學習
have the welfare of the poor at heart 心里關(guān)心著貧民的福利
in one's inmost heart 在內(nèi)心深處
in very good heart 心情極佳
keep one's heart pure 保持心靈純潔
lay one's heart bare 傾吐衷腸
learn/get/know the poem by heart 背下/記下這首詩
lift up the hearts of people 鼓舞人心
lose one's heart to sb.愛上某人
make one's heart bleed 使某人悲痛
overflow with tenderness (心)充滿柔情
part with heavy heart 心情沉重地分手
pluck up/take one's heart 鼓起勇氣
pound with joy (心)怦怦直跳
pour out one's heart to sb.向某人傾訴心里話
pure in heart 心地純潔
put one's heart into one's work 一心撲在工作上
read one's heart 看出某人的心思
set one's heart at rest 使某人安心
set one's heart on a screen career 決心投身電影事業(yè)
sink at the thought of (心)想到……就沮喪
sob/weep one's heart out 痛哭
steel one's heart to do sth.硬起心腸做某事
the girl of his heart 他看中的姑娘
the heart of the forest 森林深處
throb/thump with excitement (心)激動得直跳
touch the hearts of the hearers 打動聽眾的心
weigh upon sb.'s heart 壓在某人心頭
with a heavy heart 懷著沉重的心情
with a sinking heart 沮喪地
with a sorrowful heart 憂郁地
with half a heart 半心半意地
young in/at heart 人老心不老