Ten years from now you might think, Where did my life go? When we live mindfully we immerse ourselves in moments. These are the moments that make up our lives. If you don’t practice mindfulness you run the risk of having these precious moments of your life lost to a string of foggy over-thinking. Rest in the spaces in between the major events, these spaces are your life。
10. Stop chasing money, fame, and possessions
We crave wealth, prestige, fame and popularity, we crave material things and beautiful people. We mistakenly think that happiness is going to arrive when we meet these goals. Instead of enjoying our life, we are in a constant pursuit of something other than where we are right now。
At the end of your life, your expensive BMW will not be what’s flashing through your mind. You will more likely smile at the memory of your loyal dog. Stop chasing material possessions, there is no real happiness there, only an endless pursuit。
11. Always practice gratitude
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend。” — Melody Beattie
Gratitude improves health, happiness, spirituality, connection, relationships, self-worth and simply gives life intense meaning。
Even if your life isn’t perfect—and here’s a secret, it never will be perfect—you still have a lot to be grateful for. So every day remember to take the time to smile, laugh and truly say thanks for all the small and big joys in your life。
12. Love
This is an excerpt by the famous Martha Beck that has made an enormous impact on my life. It sums up regret beautifully:
“So the ultimate lesson of regret, the one that will help guide you into a rich and satisfying future, is this: Every time life brings you to a crossroads, from the tiniest to the most immense, go toward love, not away from fear. Think of every choice in terms of “What would thrill and delight me?” rather than “What will keep my fear—or the events, people, and things I fear—at bay?”
Pay attention to all of the sources of love in your life and you’ll develop a growing sense of abundance of how much beauty surrounds you each day。
So let’s summarize: A cheat sheet to living without regrets
Take care of your health
Make time to do the things you love, work less, laugh and play
Say what you need to say
Practice mindfulness
Change your perspective
Let go of the past
Accept the things you can not change
Stop thinking happiness is a future event
Stop chasing money and material wealth
Live authentically
Take off the mask
Follow your instincts
Practice gratitude
Don’t make your decisions based on fear
Love, love love!
There is no guarantee that you won’t make any bad decisions, but when you start living your life with these tools in mind, your days will naturally become meaningful. Your wise eyes will be full of adventure and tales: adventures that might not be perfect, but at the very least won’t be filled with regrets。