The day has barely started and already you're thinking a nap would be nice. You're yawning while you walk the dog, can barely focus on your computer screen and have been mainlining caffeine. Why are you always so darn tired?
You may be tired from a bad night's sleep or from a big workout. (Photo: WHYFRAME/Shutterstock)
Researchers the University of Gothenburg in Sweden explain it this way: "'Fatigue' simply refers to a state of being very tired or not being able to maintain expected force. 'Fatigability' is a measure of how fast someone gets tired."
And people might be tired for different reasons. One might have tossed and turned all night and just didn't sleep well, while another might have been up early to go for a run before work.
Both people might rate their fatigue the same, but it's hard to compare the results since the reasons behind them are so different.
Comparing fatigability, on the other hand, puts them on a much more even playing field. To measure fatigability, researchers ask participants to do the exact same tasks and measure how quickly they get tired.
For example, they may be asked to walk slowly on a treadmill. Jennifer Schrack, an associate professor in the department of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, has helped develop new ways to measure fatigability, according to Consumer Reports. By having participants walk on a treadmill, she can compare how tired people get from doing the same thing.
Shake off fatigue by getting out and taking a walk. (Photo: Marharyta Demydova/Shutterstock)
Although you could be tired from sleepless nights, stress or just major bursts of activity, being fatigued can also be a symptom of a health issue. Fatigue can be a symptom of anemia, allergies, depression, anxiety, heart disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep apnea, Type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism and many more conditions, reports WebMD.
It's normal for people to be tired every once in a while. But if your fatigue is more than just occasional, check in with your doctor to see if there's a medical reason behind it.