When you want to lose weight, there are two things you do: eat less and exercise more.
Just cutting calories should cause you to drop pounds. But exercise alone is rarely enough for weight loss. Life isn't fair, after all.
If more serious exercise is your thing, 30 minutes of vigorous stationary bicycling burns 391 calories. But that gets wiped away with one slice of pepperoni pizza.
It seems like simple math: If exercising for x minutes burns y calories, then just exercise longer and burn more calories. But research shows it's not that easy.
All that exertion you put into a morning run doesn't work magic on its own. (Photo: lzf/Shutterstock)
Recently, New Scientist explained it with a story called, "Why doing more exercise won't help you burn more calories." Science writer Teal Burrell explored the idea of the so-called exercise paradox. People who dramatically increase their workout regimens often find that despite all the sweat and motion, they shed few pounds. Scientists have several theories why that might happen.
They eat more. You went for a grueling hike and are so proud of yourself, so you reward yourself later with a chocolate shake.
We tend to overestimate how many calories we burn when we exercise and often eat a lot to compensate. (Photo: Arturs Budkevics/Shutterstock)
They move less. You went on that grueling hike in the morning, so you sprawled on the couch the rest of the day. Another theory is that people make up for their workouts by spending the rest of the time being sedentary.
The body adapts. The theory that seems to make the most sense is that when you exercise more, your body adjusts by spending less energy on internal functions, from the immune system to digestion.
Some nutritionists believe weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. (Photo: Billion Photos/Shutterstock)
Nutritionists will say that weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. So yes, watch the brownies and the snacks if you're trying to lose the love handles, but keep moving. It's an eat-move combination that does require smart eating and regular movement to be healthy. Sometimes being fit just doesn't seem fair. But it's worth it.