URINARY TRACT infections are an all-too-common, painful nuisance or worse for younger adults, particularly women. More than 16% of women older than 65 reported having had a UTI within the past year, increasing to nearly 30% in women over 85, according to figures reported in the March 2014 issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. UTIs also increase in older men.
As you age, UTIs may affect you differently. For some seniors, dementia can further complicate UTI prevention and detection.
UTIs With a Difference
In a best-case scenario, an older person with a urinary tract infection receives a clear-cut diagnosis, gets the right treatment and soon recovers. However, it's not always that simple.
Urinary tract infections often manifest themselves differently in older and younger adults. Younger people, more frequently women, with a UTI may experience burning pain when peeing. Older people with UTIs might instead describe discomfort and an feeling of unwellness.
UTI Symptoms in Older Adults
· Bladder discomfort.
· Peeing more frequently.
· Cloudy or discolored urine.
· Urgency: needing to get to the bathroom more quickly.
· Possible urinary incontinence.
· Fatigue.
It's important to recognize and evaluate UTIs, which can develop into sepsis – a life-threatening, body-wide condition – if the UTI cannot be controlled.
Detecting UTIs can be a challenge, Drew notes, particularly for someone whose ability to communicate their symptoms is impaired by dementia.
It's clearly important for people with significant UTIs to be treated. "Sometimes, there are patients who have a true infection – they have a fever, their blood work is abnormal, the urine looks grossly infected – where certainly treatment is warranted," Amjad says.