Smartphone features the blue light coming out of their screen and constant exposing to it might cause negative effects on your eye-sight and your physical health. Research suggested that light of smartphone's screen can also trigger early aging when exposing too much. Let's read more about how this light can affect our life.
You should worry if sending texts, checking Instagram, or reading the news on your smartphone takes up a large part of your life. And the light our smartphones generate is to blame here. Scientists delved into the possible consequences of the lifestyle that is ruled by our electronic devices and found out that even short-term exposure to this light increases reactive oxygen species (ROS).
It is no secret that changes in balance in any sphere usually lead to different (and sometimes not so pleasant) consequences. In this case, imbalance causes oxidative stress which means that a cell gets damaged due to oxidation. And there are some papers that show a link between this process and aging.
Let’s take a look at how scientists found that ROS increased under the light from our devices. To find this out, they used particular cells of connective tissue. They left the cells under light exposure for one hour at a distance of one centimeter. And the results showed,that ROS increased by about 80–90% from devices like the iPhone 8+, iPhone 6, and iPad.
讓我們來看看科學家們是如何發(fā)現(xiàn)ROS在我們的設備照射下增加的。為了找出答案,他們使用了特殊的結締組織細胞。他們將這些細胞放置在距離一厘米的光線照射下一小時。結果顯示,iPhone 8+、iPhone 6和iPad等設備的ROS增加了約80-90%。
Before you decide to throw your phone out of the window, you should understand that there is still some speculation on the validity of this discovery. This topic hasn’t been studied entirely yet and the long-term effects of device light are unknown. But it is better to be safe than sorry, so keep this information in mind and avoid extra screen time.
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