Remains of the newest member of the dinosaurs were discovered recently in the American state of Utah by a team of British and American scientists. Named the Brontomerus Mcintoshi, the creature has been given the nickname "thunder thighs" because of its huge legs. They date from the early Cretaceous period, which began around 145 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.
日前一隊由美國和英國科學(xué)家組成的科考隊在美國猶他州發(fā)現(xiàn)了一種新型恐龍化石。這個新恐龍隨即被命名為Brontomerus Mcintoshi,并以其壯碩的大腿被冠以綽號“雷腿”。據(jù)悉,他們最早生活在白堊紀早期,亦即1億4千5百萬年前到6千5百萬年前。
The remains included a juvenile's left ilium bone, which forms part of the pelvis, and also a near complete left scapula of a presumably adult. The scientists also found well preserved vertebrae from the creature as well as a complete rib bone.
They used the bones they discovered to match certain known criteria to determine what species of dinosaur they came from. Using five variables, and particularly focused on the size and other factors within the ilium bone, they confirmed it was from the Sauropod family.