“We don’t want to see a scenario in which major economies trip over each other to devalue theircurrencies. That would lead to a currency war,” said China’s premier.
Currency intervention is an issue that has chilled US-China relations for more than a decadeand while it has gone quiet of late, it is threatening to resurface.
China’s equity market shock, which from mid-June saw a wipeout of more than 30 per cent ofthe value of shares in Chinese companies, prompted a dramatic reaction from Beijing withregulators imposing a six-month ban on share sales by big shareholders.
As China’s economy slows, could another strident reaction be forthcoming, by depressing thevalue of the renminbi in order to stimulate trade, in other words a breakout of the verycurrency war China has pledged not to undertake?
This depends on assessing the fair value of the renminbi. The currency was pegged to the dollaruntil 2005, since then Beijing has allowed it to rise, except for a two-year period around theglobal financial crisis.
From the end of the peg to the end of 2013, it rose in value against the dollar by a third.
After the dollar hit a low of Rmb6.05, the currency pair has for the past 18 months traded in aband of Rmb6.05 to 6.27.
That, according to Aroop Chatterjee, foreign exchange strategist in Barclays, is where Beijingwants the renminbi to stay for a number of reasons.
巴克萊(Barclays)外匯策略師阿魯普查特吉(Aroop Chatterjee)認(rèn)為,出于幾個(gè)原因,北京方面希望人民幣匯率維持在這一區(qū)間內(nèi)。
Chief among them is Beijing’s campaign to be included in Special Drawing Rights, the basket ofcurrencies afforded official reserve currency status by the International Monetary Fund. Adecision is expected later this year.
“Part [of the reason for the tight range] is related to the People’s Bank of China’s intention tokeep the renminbi stable and a lot of that is related to the potential for destabilising capitaloutflows,” says Mr Chatterjee.
“But there is also the political intent on SDR [special drawing rights]. They want to project apicture of stability to the IMF and the rest of the world.”
For these reasons, several currency strategists expect the renminbi to hang around the level ofRmb6.26 by the end of the year. But Daniel Tenengauzer, emerging markets forex strategistat RBC Capital Markets, demurs. He thinks Beijing will allow the band to widen.
出于這些原因,幾名貨幣策略師預(yù)計(jì),到今年年底,美元/人民幣匯率會(huì)在6.26左右徘徊。但加拿大皇家銀行資本市場(RBC Capital Markets)新興市場外匯策略師丹尼爾礠坲戈澤(Daniel Tenengauzer)提出異議。他認(rèn)為北京方面將允許這一區(qū)間擴(kuò)大。
“Part of the internationalisation of the renminbi is a widening of the band and a more volatileexchange rate,” he says.
This opens up the debate on the renminbi’s valuation. The International Monetary Fund, in anotable statement in May, declared that it no longer believed the renminbi was undervalued.
Where the value of the renminbi goes depends on China policy. Mr Gu reckons it will rise if Chinaaccepts lower growth and opens its capital account to global investors.
But if it chooses to expand fiscal stimulus to support growth and continues to distortinvestment, he believes the current account surplus will shrink quickly and the renminbi willweaken.
Ying Gu, Hong Kong-based emerging markets strategist for JPMorgan, agrees, particularly asChina’s current account surplus to GDP, an indicator for the currency’s valuation, has fallento 2.3 per cent.
摩根大通(JPMorgan)駐香港新興市場策略師Gu Ying也認(rèn)同這一點(diǎn),尤其是當(dāng)前中國經(jīng)常賬戶盈余占GDP比例已跌至2.3%,該比例是貨幣估值的一個(gè)指標(biāo)。
As the dollar strengthens through US Federal Reserve interest rate liberalisation, “I am afraidrenminbi will become too expensive”, he says.
It already is, says Mr Tenengauzer. “A year ago, the currency was at fair value and now it’s 15per cent overvalued,” he says.
Mr Chatterjee agrees. “The dollar has appreciated against the rest of the world but the dollar-renminbi pair has gone sideways. The renminbi is quite expensive,” he says.
China’s economy is showing weakness, the country faces deflationary pressures and the shocksell-off in its equity markets points to the government needing to find ways to stabilise growthand minimise risks. Cuts in interest rates are likely.
Whether that amounts to a currency war is a question of interpretation.
“In the near term, the focus is on SDR,” says Mr Chatterjee. “But further down the road, therisk to growth is to the downside. With broader dollar strength, weak growth will leadpolicymakers to accommodate a weaker exchange rate.
“If it was the case that the renminbi was moving because of intervention efforts, that would bedifferent. But there are clear signs in capital outflows, in the weak economy and in weakinflation that the macroeconomic backdrop supports a weaker currency.”