The 300 largest global oil and gas companies havealso seen $2.3tn sliced from their stock marketvalue over the same period, a 39 per cent slide since oil began its decline, a Financial Timesanalysis has found.
The losses show how the financial strain on oil producers remains intense, in spite of thepartial recovery in crude prices since January. Oil is still down 65 per cent from its June 2014peak.
Banks have also been increasing their provisions for energy-related losses on their lending.They have tightened loan agreements with oil producers, and capital markets remain closed tothe lowest rated groups.
More than $150bn has been shaved off the value of 1,278 actively traded bonds since Brentcrude hit almost $116 a barrel in June 2014. Total debt among oil and gas companies, includingloans, almost tripled from $1.1tn in 2006 to $3tn in 2014, according to the Bank forInternational Settlements.
Twenty of Europe’s biggest banks have energy loans totalling almost $200bn between them,enough to wipe out a quarter of their common equity. Twenty of the leading US banks haveloans totalling $115bn, or 11 per cent of their equity. French banks have some of the highestexposures relative to their equity.