The Kenyan resident had her friends Photoshop heron to the tarmac, and she proceeded to take a virtualtour of the country, fulfilling one of her life dreams.
Their crude editing skills saw Seve plonked on to theGreat Wall of China, placed bare-foot on the world's most dangerous hiking trail, and standawkwardly with a group of tourists in front of a temple.
The hilariously bad photo-edits saw Seve skyrocket to Internet fame, but it also attracted theattention of a generous entrepreneur.
Sam Gichuru, who described himself as a 'dreamer', saw Seve's plight and decided to make hertravel dream a reality. By 'harassing' his friends Sam was able to arrange travel, four-staraccommodation, insurance and pocket money for a holiday to China, before contacting Seveto tell her the news.
But while the Internet made Seve's travel dreams come true, Sam Gichuru made it clear hewould not do the same for anyone else. 'To the rest, please don't photoshop yourself,' he said.