The investigation team found Baidu's search resultsdid influence Wei's choice of medical treatment.
The CAC said Baidu relied excessively on profits from paid listings in search results, and didnot clearly label such listings as the result of commercial promotion, compromising theobjectivity and impartiality of search results.
Like other search engines, Baidu sells links that appear in search results. The more anadvertiser pays, the higher it will appear in the search results. The public are likely to bemisled by the search results they find on Baidu, the CAC said.
The regulator demanded that Baidu make several changes, including:
Cleaning up the healthcare advertisements in its search results.
Preventing medical institutions that had not been approved by the government from beingpromoted on Baidu.
Overhauling its search results ranking system, so that they are not solely determined by howmuch advertisers have paid, and are primarily ranked by credibility.
Ensuring that paid-for promotions do not consist of more than 30% of search results per page.
On last Monday, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) also announcedthe investigation result of the hospital involved. The investigation confirmed wrongdoing bythe Second Hospital of the Beijing Armed Police Corps in Wei's treatment, according to theNHFPC.
The hospital was found to have published incorrect information, posted misleadingadvertisements and to have violated regulations on working with the private sector.