A written agreement which ended the deadlock between prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi’s government and the protestors was finally helped by the influential army’s refusal to deploy its troops for using force against the activists, said the senior government official. A formal announcement was expected later in the day.
這名政府高層官員表示,巴基斯坦總理沙希德•哈坎•阿巴西(Shahid Khaqan Abbasi)的政府與抗議者達成了結束這場僵局的書面協(xié)議,協(xié)議的最終達成得益于有影響力的軍方拒絕部署部隊來對活動人士采取暴力手段。預計周一晚些時候正式聲明將會發(fā)布。
As part of the agreement, Zahid Hamid, the controversial law minister, finally agreed to resign. The protests erupted following objections by Islamists over the omission of a clause in a proposed parliamentary bill, which accepts “the unqualified finality of prophet Muhammad as the last messenger” of god. For Muslims, acceptance of prophet Muhammad as the last prophet is central to their faith. Mr Hamid said later that the omission was a “clerical error” which was subsequently corrected.
引起爭議的司法部長扎希德•哈米德(Zahid Hamid)最終同意辭職,這也是協(xié)議的一部分。這場抗議活動是在伊斯蘭主義者反對一項擬議中的議會法案未包含一項條文之后爆發(fā)的,該條文認可“先知穆罕默德(prophet Muhammad)作為(真主的)的最后使者具有絕對不可改變性”。對穆斯林而言,認同先知穆罕默德是最后的先知是他們信仰的核心要素。哈米德后來表示,遺漏了這一條是個“筆誤”,而且之后也已糾正。
A copy of the written agreement seen by the FT, which was signed by the interior minister and Khadim Hussain Rizvi, leader of the protestors, formally thanked General Qamar Javed Bajwa, the army’s chief of staff “whose special efforts helped to put the agreement together and averted a major disaster for the nation”.
英國《金融時報》看到的一份書面協(xié)議副本有內(nèi)政部長和抗議者領袖哈迪姆•侯賽因•里茲維(Khadim Hussain Rizvi)的簽名,協(xié)議正式向陸軍參謀長卡馬爾•賈韋德•巴杰瓦上將(General Qamar Javed Bajwa)致謝,稱“其付出的特殊努力幫助達成了這份協(xié)議,讓國家免于陷入一場重大災難。”
That reference underlined the army’s increasing clout in Pakistan, where the last army ruler stepped down in 2008. “Without the army on the table, I doubt if the agreement would have been reached” said a Western diplomat.