Speaking at an LDP party meeting, Kanji Kato said young women should have at least three children.
He has since retracted his remark, local media reported.
Last year the percentage of children in Japan fell to its lowest level since records began more than 100 years ago. Financial and other incentives to encourage bigger families have had little impact.
Mr Kato said that when he gives wedding speeches he tells the bride and bridegroom to produce at least three children.
"We need three or more children from those people to make up for couples who cannot bear a child no matter what they do," he said.
The 72-year-old father-of-six also said that if he meets a woman who doesn't intend to marry, he tells her she will end up in a care home paid for by taxes from other people's children.
Several female MPs have complained the speech was sexist. "This is exactly sexual harassment," one female MP at the meeting said, the Mainichi Shimbun reported.
Mr Kato reportedly initially said he had no intention of retracting his remark, saying that boosting the birth rate was the "most important issue facing our nation".
But he later issued a statement saying: "I apologise if my words gave the wrong impression. Although I never intended to discriminate against women, I retract the remarks I made because they could have been interpreted as such."