Researchers at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif., and the University of Texas in Dallas, gave mice suffering from melanoma a cancer immunotherapy drug called anti-PD-L1, which prevents tumor cells from attacking their immune systems. The study found that rodents who were also given Diprovocim, a chemical compound that’s meant to galvanize the immune system, had a 100 percent survival rate.
And attempts to re-introduce cancer tumors in these vaccinated mice failed.
While more research needs to be done to determine the vaccine’s effectiveness in humans, researchers are hopeful about their findings.
“Just as a vaccine can train the body to fight off external pathogens, this vaccine trains the immune system to go after the tumor,” Dale Boger, a chemist at Scripps, wrote in a press release. “This co-therapy produced a complete response — a curative response — in the treatment of melanoma.”
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 9,000 people die of melanoma every year, and it accounts for about 1 percent of skin cancer diagnoses in the US.