Researchers from New York University and MichiganState University successfully generated what theycall "DeepMasterPrints".
These are machine-learning methods that act as akind of "masterkey" which, the researchers claim, have the potential to unlock about one inthree fingerprint-protected smartphones.
"Phones and many more devices don't capture your entire fingerprint," researchers toldCNBC over the phone. "There's not enough space on the device, so they capture a partialfingerprint -- which is not as secure as the full image."
Many developers were already making fingerprint scanners more secure by moving sensorsfrom devices' buttons to screens, allowing them to pick up higher resolution images.
"Some smartphones have the sensors on the side buttons, which are very thin -- they'reconvenient but less secure," the researchers said. "Their sensors only register a quarter orso of the fingerprint's features."