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老友記第四季The One With Rachel Crush



我說,她是這出戲的主角,而且她是我的女朋友!我居然可以和戲里的女主角上床! 人家會聽見的。 我知道?。?哇!她看上去真漂亮啊,你覺得呢?沒錯 你好!嗨! 那個男的長得挺帥呀! 我說,他外套下面那個瘡,是只有我能、還是你也能看見? 哦!你做這一行很長時間了嗎? 不是,你是我第一個主顧,把錢放到桌子上吧。 喲...不錯!...嗯...太棒了. 這家伙! 這件襯衫很貴嗎? 隨便你怎么樣了. 給,你女朋友的紐扣. 對了,莫尼卡,你還有你高中時候穿的上衣之類的衣服嗎? 有吧,大概在這里的什么地方,怎么了? 沒什么,就是孕婦服實在太貴. 嗨,瑞秋,我把你的東西都堆在房間的這半邊了. 你只要....把皮包扔上去...就行了. 布魯明戴爾百貨把我的部門裁掉了. 天哪,那你豈不是失業(yè)了? 那倒沒有,不過他們把我調(diào)到個人采購部門了,我的地位大大降低了. 個人采購?那是什么?是不是像陪著驕傲的有錢人到處逛然后告訴他們買什么? 是吧. 聽起來真不錯呀! 嗨! 我說,很抱歉,我們換過公寓了吧好象? 你再也不能吃我們的東西了,白喝湯的好日子結(jié)束了. 有肉湯? 你們占了大公寓,你們就得負(fù)責(zé)為進(jìn)進(jìn)出出的人當(dāng)主人. 那個冰箱必須時時有存貨才行,明白了? 因為那是你們的公寓了. 干嗎呢你? 我好象留了個甜甜圈在這里. 嗨! 對了,凱茜的戲怎么樣? 這么說吧,凱茜半裸著,假裝和一個特帥的男人上床. 沒錯,就象有人寫下了我最恐怖的惡夢并且還讓我付了32塊錢去讀. 那倒是個不錯的賺錢主意! 我全暈了,他們每晚都會在舞臺上肉體橫陳, 然后演出結(jié)束回到慶祝派對上開始損我. 想想也知道,他們會說:"你的男朋友到哪里去了? 他叫什么?錢特?" 然后她會回答說."不不不,是錢德", 然后他就會說:"都一樣....哈..哈...哈..哈.." 這個惡作劇不錯. 行了,聽著,我該怎么做? 錢德,他們是演員.他們只是在盡職罷了, 他們在一起工作并不意味著他們會在一起上床. 你不能因為蘇珊.薩蘭登和蒂姆.羅賓斯, 就以為所有的人都是這樣. 哦對了,還有亞歷克.鮑德溫和金.貝辛格. 湯姆.克魯斯和妮可.基德曼對,沒錯. 嘿,梅爾.吉布森和克林特.伊斯特伍德. 他們可不是一對兒!! 哦..我才明白你們在干嗎. 行了,聽著,我來問你個問題,當(dāng)他們在臺上'翻云覆雨'的時候,你能感覺得到絕對熱辣嗎? 絕對是的! 那就行了,那你就不用擔(dān)心了.事情是這樣的: 如果兩個演員在臺下也搞到了一起的話, 那么他們倆之間所有的激情都已經(jīng)被消耗殆盡了. 明白了嗎? 所以只要他們倆只在臺上演出得激情四溢, 那你就不用擔(dān)心.什么時候他們在臺上演不出來了,那你就有麻煩了. 果真如此嗎? -這么說吧,你們看過我演的每一出戲, 你們能感覺到我象在臺下一樣有吸引力嗎? -沒有感覺. -就是嘛!! 我說,今天晚上你還和我一起去嗎? 我不知道我是不是會覺得舒服,特別是看你的女朋友在臺上和別人搞來搞去的. 是啊,我知道,可是... -哦,別誤會,我肯定去. -嗨! -嗨,莫尼卡! 要來點餡餅嗎? 你做的? 沒錯,去拿個盤子. -好吧. 哎,別過來,就呆在那兒. 再近點就好了. 沒關(guān)系,沒關(guān)系,不用擔(dān)心,我們還有麥片粥, 松餅,華夫..還有果醬,果凍,檸檬醬,不過我覺得都差不多. 對了,還有,我們周六晚上在這兒看比賽,如果大家不反對的話。 哦耶! 哦?我原來也想讓大家到我那里去看比賽呢。 哦,是嗎?是誰打比賽? 球員唄。 有人看起來開始懷念當(dāng)主人的日子嘍 拜托,這可是一種解脫...無論如何 好了,菲比,伸出你的盤子! 好了. 莫尼卡,我不干了!我剛剛幫一個81歲的老太婆穿上了一條皮帶,她居然都沒有買! 我現(xiàn)在決定我不干了!沒錯!我現(xiàn)在就去和我的老板說! 我就去!我就去!我就去!我就去!我就去!我就去! 好了,再見,聽到這通留言就給我打電話. 哦,華生先生,我想跟你談?wù)? 一會再說吧,我干活正干到一半,你也有客人了. 嗨! 你好,我是喬舒亞 嗨,我是瑞秋.格林,能為你效勞嗎,喬舒亞? 是這樣,我需要全套行頭,我妻子...其實是我前妻... 哦,很抱歉. 很不幸,她燒掉了我所有的衣服. 我只有兩件東西幸免于難.這套西裝, 還有一樣大概可以當(dāng)裙子穿的東西. 呃,至少這件西裝不錯. 是啊,可是穿著裙子慢慢老死在干洗店里可不好玩. 所以我需要下至內(nèi)衣的一切東西, 如果你愿意的話,我現(xiàn)在全歸你管了.. 好吧. 瑞秋,你剛才說要和我談?wù)? 不是,不是我說的. 好的,我們就從現(xiàn)在開始吧,先去看看我的內(nèi)衣. 我們公司的內(nèi)衣系列. 哦,對不起,是這邊,這邊.. 是這邊嗎? 對不起. 我說得沒錯吧!對不對?他們倆之間一點激情都沒有, 以前他們之間還有點,現(xiàn)在一點都沒有了! 現(xiàn)在你明白這意味著什么了吧,喬伊告訴過我們這意味著什么的! 好啦,我們先別過早下結(jié)論,好不好? 他們倆之間還是有激情的. 你算了吧,他們看起來就象表兄妹在調(diào)情! 她來了,什么也別說,聽見了嗎? 只要裝的酷一點,別....太像你自己. 嗨,你們倆! 謝謝你們又來看,你們喜歡今晚的戲嗎? 哦,當(dāng)然了! 尼克點不著火柴的時候是不是很好笑? 這出戲不錯,不是嗎? 哦,我喜歡這出戲,你太棒了,尼克'也是' 很明顯你在和他上床. Okay, I... OK,我.... 很明顯我在和他上床? 哦,行了,太明顯了!你們倆之間根本沒有激情! 那好,我直說了吧,你是不是覺得我欺騙了你, 而且你還懷疑我的演技? 你自己知道的,我都能想象得出來了. 你每晚都在那里,你光著身子,又撫摸,又接吻.... 表演呀!錢德,這是我的工作! 我在戲里面扮演角色!你怎么能不相信我? 你自己明白,想想我們倆怎么開始的就行了. 哦...我不敢相信你居然對我說出這種話. 是啊,事情很明顯,而且我都沒有看見你甚至'表示'出拒絕! 那好吧,錢德,你什么時候變成熟了什么時候給我打電話! 行啊,別期望這種事情發(fā)生得太快! 我擁有全世界最好的工作!今天一個最可愛的男人光顧了,而且任由我擺布一整天! 瑞秋有新的洋娃娃啦. 哦,我倒希望他是個娃娃,那樣我就可以再拿個瑞秋的娃娃,然后把他們貼在一起接吻了. 哦!他還有個最好聽的名字,我都沒有意識到, 喬舒亞!喬-舒-亞!喬舒亞!喬舒亞! 喂,哈羅! 嗨!! 咦,什么味道? 不知道,聞起來不錯. 剛做好的餅干,還熱乎著呢! 哦! 歡迎品嘗! 唔.. 是啊,我正好在這里閑著, 就做點美味的點心給大家. 哦,最新的'花花公子'! 是啊,我挑的. 餅干和色情雜志,你是全世界最好的老媽! 怎么了?怎么了? 沒什么,只是喬舒亞說的關(guān)于V型領(lǐng)的事情, 你得在哪兒才明白. 是嗎,那個'杰森'怎么說V型領(lǐng)的? 是喬舒亞. 哦,都一樣. 等等,這可不是外賣! 我可不想吃了就跑,不過.... 別,等等,別走!我也給你們準(zhǔn)備了色情雜志! 哦,我可不要那個. 大家應(yīng)該留在這里的! 怎么啦?這有什么大不了的? 我是主人!不是那些家伙!我永遠(yuǎn)是主人! 很小的時候我就是,那時女孩子們帶著她們的娃娃來參加我的派對, 連我那里的空氣都是最好的. 你怎么不想想現(xiàn)在這是他們的責(zé)任了, 每個人都希望呆在大公寓里的. 因為他們搶走了我們的公寓,我想懲罰他們, 我...我也不知道..他們?nèi)淌艿脡蚓昧?.. 如果你想懲罰他們的話,你還不如讓他們呆在這里! 是啊,沒錯. 那好吧,等我這里都收拾干凈了,這里會比他們那里好十倍! 哦?我們可以在他們哪里亂來嘍? 該死的樓梯! 該死的狗! 現(xiàn)在你們高興了吧! 凱茜和那個家伙鬼混到一起了? 什么? 那你還好吧? 我就在她面前,她連拒絕的意思都沒有! 我又不住這里! 錢德! 錢德,她怎么說? 等等. 過來. 你確定嗎? 我也許喝醉了,可是我很清楚她說了些什么! 后來我就去了那家'茱莉的牛排館' '查理的牛排館'? 沒錯,瞧,你和我一說就明白不是嗎? 喲,我說,要不要幫忙? 別,我一個人就可以了. 哦,幸虧我從來不吸塵... 嗨! 我今天和喬舒亞在一起呆了足有一個小時, 他居然沒有約我出去.太失敗了! 你怎么不約他? 是啊,絕對應(yīng)該!而且令人興奮! 是嗎?會不會顯得太急了些? 哦...那才令人興奮呢. 他不是剛離婚嗎? 是啊. 所以他很可能他對女人還是很緊張,明白嗎? 也許你得先跨第一步. 可是我以前從來沒有主動約過男孩子的. 從來沒有主動約人? 沒有,你呢? 上千次了! 好象聽起來有損我的形象,是不是? 我都不知道該怎么做. 哦....我一般是這樣的,我上下打量一個女人,然后說, '嗨,你好嗎?' 哦,算了吧! '嗨,你好嗎?' 好啊,那我就這么辦了,我得給他打電話, 我來約他,應(yīng)該沒問題,約他出去. 你好嗎? 嗨!是喬舒亞嗎? 我是布魯明戴爾公司的瑞秋格林. 哦,我想知道你是不是...你是不是... 今天把你的錢包拉在我們店里了? 是啊,我們找到了一個,而且... 證件? 哦對了,這主意不錯! 呃, 對了,讓我看看,這上面說這證件是屬于一個叫...叫...叫菲比先生的. 好了,那就這樣啦,很抱歉打擾了你,明天見吧,再見. 你干這個上千次了? 我可從來沒有這么約過人. 天,我只要一想到他會拒絕我我就緊張. 這樣,你得給他點他無法拒絕的東西. 象...尼克斯隊的球票!邀請那個家伙去看尼克斯的比賽,他肯定不會拒絕. 是嗎?你覺得行嗎? 肯定行!如果不行的話,就把票給我行不行? 什么聲音? 她來電話了嗎? 沒有,太抱歉了. 算了,也許我應(yīng)該打電話給她. 不行,忘了她吧,老兄!你不需要她,你用不著那么做! 他說得對,她的所作所為是不可原諒的. 是啊,不過,如果我錯了怎么辦? 你怎么會錯? 我是說,如果她事實上沒和他上床怎么辦? 千萬告訴我她親口告訴了你. 不用她親口說! 我看了那場戲,他們之間根本就沒有激情.幫我說兩句,羅斯! 一切全是你想象出來的? 這是幫我說話嗎你! 瞧,你說過什么臺下有一腿,臺上就演不出來什么的... 哇喔....那只是理論上的呀! 世界上還有很多理論沒有實現(xiàn)呢,什么孤膽槍手啦, 共產(chǎn)主義啦,幾何學(xué)啦.... 哦,天哪!! 你愿意和我一起去看場籃球賽嗎? 籃球聽起來蠻好笑的,我倒是有兩張票... 喔..想不想去看尼克斯比賽? 你覺得怎么樣? 嗯,作為一個單身女人, 又沒有對象,我覺得你看起來棒極了! 是嗎? 沒錯.看起來棒極了. 是啊,這樣看起來棒極了. 這么說你喜歡這件嘍? 我很喜歡,我非常喜歡這件,事實上我大概就穿著這個回去了. 好極了. 好了,非常感謝你的幫助. 別客氣. 嗯,我想就這樣吧,就到此為止吧. 是啊.. 謝謝你了.也許到春天的時候我再來, 你知道,買點浴袍什么的. 呃...你不想現(xiàn)在買嗎? 沒關(guān)系,謝謝了. 沒關(guān)系. 不管怎么說,以后再見吧. 籃球! 很抱歉. 我有兩張今天晚上尼克斯隊比賽的球票, 如果你有興趣的話,就當(dāng)是感謝你這個星期的光顧了. 哇! 簡直太棒了. 真的嗎? 是啊,真的太棒了!我的侄子非常喜歡尼克斯隊, 這簡直太好了,太感謝你了瑞秋. 早上好. 嗨! 嗨. 嗨,我只是...只是想來告訴你我實在非常抱歉. 我知道我我看起來象個全世界最大的傻瓜, 而且我完全能理解你為什么這么不高興. 哦,我多希望你能先打個電話. 是啊,我知道,我也知道我得先這么做, 不過你知道嗎?其實這是件好事. 我們剛剛有了我們的第一次吵架,然后我們就往前走了一步,你明白嗎?對我來說.... 尼克的褲子? 是的. 好啊,我們的第二次吵架會來一次大的了! 好了,到下一次,你怎么說? 我有一張多余的票,一張多余的票, 不是兩張票,我有一張多余的票. 這么說你第一次主動約男孩出去,他就拒絕了你? 他可沒有拒絕我!他不是正在看比賽嗎? 我成功地約到他了,我只是沒去而已! 好了,一切就緒了,來吧. 什么一切就緒? 來就行了唄. 哦我的天哪. 哇!莫尼卡! 太棒了! 真是太漂亮了! 是你弄的嗎?難道你...難道你連著忙了兩天? 差不多吧,好啦,你覺得怎么樣? 你覺得這地板怎么樣? 我不知道,不是和原來的一樣嗎. 你們以前鋪地毯的. 哦,對了! 還有,我做了點小點心,求你們了, 就留在這里吧好嗎? 我得讓我的眼睛稍微休息一會兒. 我說,莫尼卡,你要不要我們過會再來? 哦別-別-別,就留下吧,留下,隨便聊天吧,我永遠(yuǎn)是主人.... 嗨! 怎么樣? 她沒和他睡過. 太好了! 現(xiàn)在睡了. 你怎么說的? 我只想說她這個女人....太壞了! 你知道嗎,你以為你了解一個人,結(jié)果一轉(zhuǎn)身她卻和尼克睡了! 尼克,那個胸肌發(fā)達(dá)的家伙,還有他特大的,男性化的乳頭! 我恨他,我也恨她! 其實我也不是怎么恨她,我愛她,這全是我的錯,真的. 怎么會,這怎么會是你的錯? 因為我應(yīng)該先打電話給她的! 如果我們吵架以后我先打電話給她的話, 她就不會去和那個尼克搞到一起去了,那他們倆就什么事也不會有了. 是我直接把她推給那個大乳頭男人的! 親愛的,這不是你的錯,就算你們吵了一架,她也沒有理由去和別人鬼混到一起的. 其實...如果她以為他們倆是處在分手階段的話.... 瑞秋,看起來你有個顧客把皮夾落在這里了..呃...喬舒亞.伯金斯. 是嗎? 你能不能打個電話給他? 沒問題,我當(dāng)然可以! 你好,瑞秋. 嗨,喬舒亞. 我是有意落下我的皮夾的. 真的嗎? 是啊,我就是想再見你一面. 我太高興了. 瑞秋,我想對你說... 什么? 你好嗎?

The One With Rachel's Crush

[Scene: A Theatre, Chandler and Ross are there to watch the premiere of Kathy’s play.]

Chandler: Okay, she is the star of the play. And she is my girlfriend! I get to have sex with the star of the play!

Ross: People can hear you.

Chandler: I know!!

(The play starts.)

Chandler: Wow! She looks great. Doesn’t she?

Ross: Yeah.

(Onstage there’s a knock on the door and Kathy opens it. We don’t see what’s going on, only hear it.)

Kathy's Co-Star: Hi!

Kathy: Hi!

Ross: That is one good looking man!

Chandler: Is it just me, or can you actually see his abs through his overcoat?!

Kathy's Co-Star: Sooo, you’ve been doing this long?

Kathy: No, you’re my first. Put the money on the table.

(Ross and Chandler have stunned looks on their faces as Kathy and her co-star start making out.)

Kathy's Co-Star: Oh, yeah! Ooh, that’s nice. (They start making out harder.)

Ross: Dude!

Kathy's Co-Star: Is that an expensive blouse?

Kathy: If you want it to be.

(Kathy’s co-star rips her blouse off and buttons go flying into the audience, and one hits Ross. Chandler’s mouth is on the floor.)

Ross: Here’s your girlfriend’s button. (Holding the button.)


[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, erm, Monica and Rachel's, Monica is still unpacking after the move, and Phoebe is their also.]

Phoebe: Oh, hey, Mon, do you still have your like old blouses and dresses from high school?

Monica: Yeah, I think I have some around here somewhere. Why?

Phoebe: Well, it’s just that maternity clothes are so expensive.

(Rachel enters)

Monica: Hey, Rach! I made a pile of your stuff over on this side of the room. If you could just…(Rachel grunts and throws her purse at it)…throw your purses at it.

Rachel: Bloomingdale’s eliminated my department. (Phoebe gasps)

Monica: Oh my God, are you out of a job?

Rachel: No, but they stuck me in personal shopping. Which is just a huge step down!

Phoebe: Personal shopping? What is that? Like where you walk around with snooty rich people and tell them what to buy?

Rachel: Uh-huh.

Phoebe: That sounds great!

Joey: (entering) Hey! (Goes to the fridge.)

Monica: Umm, excuse me, we switched apartments. You can’t eat are food anymore, that-that gravy train had ended.

Joey: (Holding a turkey leg) There’s gravy?

Monica: If you have the big apartment you have to deal with people coming over all the time. That fridge has got to be stocked, okay, that’s your department now. (She takes back the turkey leg)

(Joey climbs up on the counter and starts looking at the top of the cabinets.)

Monica: What are you doing?

Joey: I think I left a donut up here.

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross and Chandler are entering after the play. Phoebe and Joey are already there.]

Ross: Hey!

Phoebe: Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Phoebe: Ooh! How was Kathy’s play?

Ross: Well, Kathy gets half-naked and simulates sex with a real good lookin’ guy.

Chandler: Yeah, it’s like someone literally wrote down my worst nightmare and then charged me $32 to see it!

Phoebe: That’s a good idea for a business!

Chandler: I’m totally screwed. Okay, they are gonna be hot and heavy on stage every night, and then they’re gonna go to their cast parties and he’s gonna try to undermine me. Y'know it’ll be like, "So where’s your boyfriend, what’s-his-name, Chester?" And she’ll go, "No-no-no, it’s Chandler." And he’ll go, "Whatever. Ha-ha-ha-ha!"

Joey: (to Ross) That-that is a good trick.

Chandler: All right, look, look, what am I gonna do?

Joey: Chandler, look they’re actors. They’re there to do a job, just ‘cause they work together, doesn’t mean they’re gonna get together. I mean just ‘cause it happened with Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, it doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen with them.

Ross: Oh-oh, Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger.

Joey: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.

Ross: Yeah.

Phoebe: Hey, Mel Gibson and Clint Eastwood.

Ross: They’re not a couple!

Phoebe: Oh-okay, I get the game now.

Joey: Okay look, look, let me ask you a question, when they were doing it on stage, was it like really hot?

Ross: Oh yeah!

Joey: Well okay, so then you’re fine. The rule is when two actors are actually doing it off-stage all the sexual tension between them is gone. Okay? So as long as it’s hot onstage you got nothing to worry about. It’s when the heat goes away, that’s when you’re in trouble.

Chandler: Really?

Joey: Look, you guys have been to every play I’ve ever been in, have I ever had chemistry on stage?

Ross: No.

Joey: Noooo!!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, erm, Chandler and Joey's, the gang minus Monica and Rachel are eating breakfast. Ross and Chandler are sitting at the foosball table and eating.]

Chandler: So uh, man, are you gonna go to the play with me tonight?

Ross: Y’know what, I don’t know how comfortable I am going to see how hot the sex is between some guy and your girlfriend.

Chandler: Yeah, I know but…

Ross: Oh no-no-no, I’m there.

Monica: (entering) Hey!

Joey: Hey Mon! Want some pancakes?

Monica: You made pancakes?

Joey: Yep! Grab a plate.

Monica: Okay. (She does so and starts to walk towards Joey to receive her pancakes.)

Joey: No-no, stay right there. (Monica stops and Joey flips her a pancake, which flies over her head and lands in the living room.) Gettin’ closer.

Chandler: Okay, okay, but don’t worry, because we also have cereals, muffins, waffles, and, jams, jellies, and marmalades. Which I’m fairly certain are the same thing.

Joey: Listen also we’re uh, we’re watching the game here Saturday night, if people want to come over.

Ross: Oh yeah!

Monica: Oh, I was thinking about having people over for the game.

Joey: Oh yeah, who’s playing?

Monica: The players.

Ross: Somebody seems to be missing being the hostess.

Monica: (laughs) Please, it’s a relief is what it is, is what it is.

Joey: All right Pheebs, stick out your plate!

Phoebe: Oh. (Joey flips the pancake and Phoebe catches it and throws it on her plate.)

[Scene: Bloomingdale’s, Rachel’s new job.]

Rachel: (on the phone) Monica, I’m quitting! I just helped an 81 year old woman put on a thong and she didn’t even buy it! (Pause) I’m telling you I’m quitting! That’s it! I’m talking to my boss right now! (Pause) Yes I am! (Pause) Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Yes I am! Okay bye, call me when you get this message. (Hangs up as her boss, Mr. Waltham, walks in.) Oh! Mr. Waltham, I ah really need to talk to you.

Mr. Waltham: In a moment, please, I’m in the middle of a task. And you have a customer.

(It’s a really good-looking man, Joshua, that Rachel has an instant crush on. Well actually it’s Tate Donovan, so it’s not like she’s really testing her acting skills.)

Rachel: Hi!

Joshua: Hi, I’m Joshua.

Rachel: Hi, I’m Rachel Green. What can I do for you Joshua?

Joshua: Well, I need a whole new wardrobe. My wife, well my ex-wife…

Rachel: Oh, I’m so sorry.

(He walks over to look and some clothes and Rachel quickly turns around and adjusts her bra, trying to show off her assets.)

Joshua: Anyway, she burned all of my clothes. I got away with two things. This suit and what turned out to be a skirt.

Rachel: Well, at least that’s a great suit.

Joshua: Yeah, but it wasn’t much fun dropping it off at the dry cleaners in the skirt. (Rachel laughs) So I need everything down to underwear, so if you’re willing, I’m all yours.

Rachel: Okay.

Mr. Waltham: Rachel, you needed to speak to me?

Rachel: No-no, that wasn’t me! (To Joshua) Well, we should get started. Let me show you my underwear. (Joshua turns at that) The selection of underwear we carry.

(He walks out and Rachel stares at his butt as he leaves. He makes a wrong turn.)

Rachel: Oh-oh, sorry, it’s this way, it’s this way. (Motions to the correct way.)

Joshua: It’s this way? Sorry. (He walks past her and she again admires his butt.)

[Scene: Kathy’s play, Ross and Chandler are waiting for her in the lobby after the play.]

Chandler: I’m right! Right? There was like no chemistry between them. Before they had heat, and now there’s no heat! Now you know what this means, Joey told us what this means!

Ross: All right, let’s not jump to any conclusions. All right? There was some sexual chemistry between them.

Chandler: Come on, it was like cousins having sex up there!

Ross: Here she comes. Don’t say a word, okay? Just be cool, don’t be…y'know you.

Kathy: Hey you guys!

Ross: Hey!

Kathy: Hi! (Kisses Chandler) Thank you so much for coming again. Did you like it tonight?

Ross: Oh, absolutely! (Chandler mumbles something.)

Kathy: Wasn’t Nick funny when he couldn’t get his match lit?

(Chandler laughs without opening his mouth.)

Kathy: It’s a good play, isn’t it?

(Chandler mumbles something, and Ross tells him to "Come on.")

Chandler: Oh, I loved the play. You were great, and Nick ditto. Clearly you’re having sex with him.

Ross: Okay, I… (Walks away.)

Kathy: Clearly, I’m having sex with him?

Chandler: Oh come on, it was so obvious! There was no chemistry between you two!

Kathy: Okay, so let me just get this straight. You’re accusing me of cheating on you, and insulting my performance?

Chandler: Y’know, I-I could see how this could happen, y'know you’re up there every night, you’re naked, touching, kissing.

Kathy: Acting! Chandler, this is my job! I’m-I’m playing a part in a play! How can you not trust me?!

Chandler: Well, you can understand, given how we started.

Kathy: Oh, wow. I can’t believe you’re throwing that in my face.

Chandler: Well, that is what happened, and I don’t even see you denying this!

Kathy: I’ll tell you what, Chandler, why don’t you call me when you grow up!

Chandler: Yeah, well, don’t expect that to happen anytime soon!


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, erm, Chandler and Joey's, Joey, Phoebe, and Ross are there eating pizza as Rachel enters.]

Rachel: I have the best job in the entire world! The most adorable guy came over today, and I got to dress him up all day!

Phoebe: Rachel has a new doll.

Rachel: Oh, I wish he was a doll, then I could get a Rachel doll and bump them together and make kissy noises. Oh! And he has the most beautiful name, I never realised it, Joshua! Josh-u-a! Joshua! Josh.

Ross: Uh, hello!

Rachel: Hi-e!!

Phoebe: Ooh, what do I smell?

Joey: I don’t know, it smells good.

(He goes over and opens the door to reveal Monica holding a plate of cookies and a fan to blow the smell across the hall.)

Monica: Fresh cookies! Hot from the oven!

Phoebe: Ooh! (They all go over to her apartment)

Monica: Please, have some!

Ross: Oh, yumm!

Monica: Yeah, I’ve just been fiddling around in here making delicious treats for everyone.

Joey: (Holding a magazine) Wow! The new Playboy!

Monica: Yeah, it’s just something I picked up.

Ross: Cookies and porn, you’re the best mom ever!!

(Rachel laughs hysterically for no reason.)

Phoebe: What? What?

Rachel: Well, it was just something Josh said about v-necks, but you had to be there.

Ross: Yeah, how does Jason look in a v-neck?

Rachel: It’s Joshua.

Ross: Oh, whatever. (Laughs and gives Joey the thumbs up heading back to his apartment. Joey follows him)

Monica: Wait! Wait! This isn’t take-out!

Phoebe: (getting up) Well, I hate to eat and run, but…

Monica: No, wait, please don’t go! I’ve got porn for you too!

Phoebe: Yeah, I don’t need it.

Monica: People are supposed to wanna hang out here!

Rachel: Why? Honey, what is the big deal?

Monica: I’m the hostess! Not those guys! I’m always the hostess! I mean, I was always the hostess, I mean even when I was little, I mean the girls brought their dollies to my tea party, I-I served the best air.

Phoebe: Well, why did you make like a whole big thing out of y'know, everyone has to hang out in the big apartment?

Monica: ‘Cause they took our apartment, I wanted to punish them. But I’m-I’m done now. They’ve suffered enough.

Phoebe: If you wanted to punish them, you should’ve just made them hang out here!

Rachel: Yeah, that’s true.

Monica: All right then, when I’m done with this place, it’s gonna be ten times better than that place!

Phoebe: Oh, are we gonna trash that place?

(Chandler comes back, obviously drunk, and trips over the steps.)

Chandler: Steps! (He opens the door to his apartment to Ross and Joey looking at the new Playboy) Slut! (Ross and Joey quickly hide the Playboy behind their backs. Chandler wonders into the girl’s apartment.) You will all be very happy to hear that Kathy is sleeping with that guy!

All: What?!

Ross: So you were right?

Chandler: I confronted her, and she didn’t deny it! (Pause) I don’t live here! (Goes back into his apartment and they all follow him.)

Ross: Chandler!

Rachel: Chandler, what did she say?

Phoebe: Wait a minute.

Joey: Come here.

Monica: Are you sure?

Chandler: Well, I may be drunk, but I know what she said! Then I went over to Beefsteak Julie’s…

Rachel: Beefsteak Charlie’s?

Chandler: Yes! See you and I have always been like—(motions that they think the same.)

[Scene: The hallway between the apartments, Monica is lugging one of those floor polishing machines through the hallway. Rachel comes up the steps and stops when she sees Monica.]

Rachel: Whoops. (Starts to go into Chandler and Joey’s.) Oh, hey, do you need help with that?

Monica: Nah, I got it.

Rachel: Ooh, I just feel bad, I never vacuum. (She goes into Chandler and Joey’s.)

[Cut to inside the apartment.]

Rachel: Hi!

All: Hey!

Rachel: So I was with Joshua for an hour today, and he has not asked me out. It’s just so frustrating!

Phoebe: Why don’t you ask him out?

Joey: Oh, yeah, totally! That’s such a turn-on!

Rachel: Really? It doesn’t seem desperate?

Joey: Oh-ooh, that’s the turn-on.

Phoebe: He just got a divorce right?

Rachel: Hmm-mmm.

Phoebe: So he’s probably really nervous around women, y'know? Maybe, you just have to make the first move.

Rachel: Yeah but, I’ve never asked a guy out before.

Phoebe: (shocked) You’ve never asked a guy out?!!

Rachel: No. Have you?

Phoebe: Thousands of times!! That doesn’t make me sound too good does it?

Rachel: I don’t even know how I would go about it.

Joey: Oh-oh-oh-oh, how I do it is, I look a woman up and down and say, "Hey, how you doin’?"

Phoebe: Oh, please!

Joey: (to Phoebe) Hey, how you doin’?

(Phoebe looks at him, and then giggles and looks away.)

Rachel: You know what, I’m gonna do that, I’m gonna call him up, and I’m gonna ask him out. I can do that. Ask him out. (Practising) How you doin’? (Calls him) Hi! Joshua? It’s Rachel Green from Bloomingdale’s. (Listens) Yeah, umm, I was wondering if you umm, if you umm, left your wallet at the store today? Well, we found a wallet, and we—(Listens) the license? Well, that is a good idea! Uh, well, let’s see here this says this license belongs to a uh, uh, belongs to a mister uh, Pheebs, and umm, yeah, so sorry to bother you at home. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye. (Hangs up) (to Phoebe) You’ve done that a thousand times?

Phoebe: I’ve never done that.

Rachel: Ohh, God, I just got so nervous that he would say no.

Joey: Well, you gotta give him something that he can’t say no too. Like uh, Knicks tickets! Invite the guy to a Knicks game, you’re guaranteed he’ll say yes!

Rachel: Really?! You think that will work?

Joey: Absolutely! And if it doesn’t, can I get the extra ticket?

(We hear a noise coming from Monica and Rachel’s apartment.)

Joey: What the heck is that?

(They go open the door and reveal Monica being spun around on the floor polisher and getting the cord wrapped around her legs.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, erm, Chandler and Joey's, Ross, Joey, and Phoebe are watching a movie as Chandler comes in from his bedroom.]

Chandler: Did she call?

Phoebe: No, sorry.

Chandler: All right, maybe I should call her.

Joey: No! Forget her, man! You don’t need her, you don’t need that!

Ross: He’s right, what she did was unforgivable.

Chandler: Well, yeah, but y'know, what-what if I was wrong?

Ross: How might you be wrong?

Chandler: Well y'know, what if she didn’t actually sleep with the guy?

Joey: Dude, tell me she actually told you this.

Chandler: She did not have to tell me, I saw the play, and there was no heat. Back me up here, Ross!

Ross: That’s all you’re basing this on?

Chandler: That’s not backing me up! Look, you said with the off-stage and the heat, and the onstage and the oy heat.

Joey: Whoa-whoa, that-that was just a theory! There’s a lot of theories that didn’t pan out. The lone gunman. Communism. Geometry.

Chandler: Oh my God!!

[Scene: Bloomingdale’s, Rachel’s new job, she is waiting for Joshua and practising how to ask him out.]

Rachel: Would you like to go to a basketball game with me? (Tries again.) You know, its funny, basketball, because I happen to have tickets too… (Tries again.) Umm, who likes the Knicks—(Joshua comes in from the dressing room.)

Joshua: What do you think?

Rachel: Oh! Well, as a single woman, who is available, I think you look great!

Joshua: Huh. (She starts brushing the lint off and checking him out in the mirror.) Yeah?

Rachel: Yep. Oh, yeah, look you great. (She puts her arm in his and checks how they would look as a couple.) Oh yeah. Yeah, this looks great. (Pause) Umm, so you like it?

Joshua: I do. I do. I love it. In fact, I think I’m gonna wear it home.

Rachel: Great.

Joshua: All right, thank you so much for all your help.

Rachel: Sure.

Joshua: Well, I guess this is uh, I guess this is it.

Rachel: Yeah-eah-ha!

Joshua: Thanks. (He starts to leave) Maybe I’ll see in the spring, with the uh, y’know, for the uh, bathing suits.

Rachel: Oh well, you don’t want to do that now?!

Joshua: Ah, that’s okay, thanks.

Rachel: Okay.

Joshua: Anyway, hopefully, I’ll see you around sometime. (He goes out the door.)

Rachel: Basketball!

Joshua: (coming back in) I’m sorry.

Rachel: I uh, I have two tickets to the Knicks game tonight if you’re interested, just as a thank you for this week.

Joshua: Wow! That would be great.

Rachel: Really?

Joshua: Yeah, that would be fantastic! My-my nephew is crazy about the Knicks! This is fantastic, thank you so much Rachel. (He takes the tickets and leaves as Mr. Waltham returns.)

Mr. Waltham: Good morning.

Joshua: Hi!

(Mr. Waltham admires Joshua’s butt as he leaves.)

[Scene: Kathy’s apartment, Chandler is knocking on the door.]

Kathy: (opening the door) Hey.

Chandler: Hey. I just, I just wanted to come over to-to say that I’m sorry. Y’know? I know I acted like the biggest idiot in the world, and I can completely understand why you were so upset.

Kathy: Oh wow. I really wish you’d call me.

Chandler: Yeah, I know, I-I wish I had too, but y’know I-I think this is a good thing. Y'know? ‘Cause we’ve had our first fight, and now we can move on. Y’know, I know for me—(Notices a pair of men’s pants on the chair.) Nick’s pants?

Kathy: Yeah.

Chandler: Yeah. Well, I think our second fight is going to be a big one!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, erm, Chandler and Joey's, Joey is debriefing Rachel on her rejection earlier that day and telling her what she should’ve done. Ross and Phoebe are watching.]

Joey: Okay, for next time, what do you say?

Rachel: I have an extra ticket. An extra ticket. Not, two tickets, I have an extra ticket.

Ross: So the first time you ask a guy out, he-he turns you down?

Rachel: He didn’t turn me down! He’s at the game isn’t he? I got the date, I’m just not on it!

Monica: (entering) Okay, it’s ready. Come on.

Joey: What’s ready?

Monica: Just come.

(They all go over to her apartment.)

Ross: Oh my God!

Rachel: Wow! Monica!

Phoebe: Great!

Ross: This is beautiful!

(She has cleaned it, completely redecorated it, removed the carpet, and polished the floor.)

Phoebe: Oh did you—what did you—did you work for two days straight?

Monica: Pretty much. (to Joey) So, what do you, what do you think of the floor?

Joey: I don’t know, it looks the same.

Monica: You used to have carpet.

Joey: Oh yeah!

Monica: So I made snacks. Please, just hang out okay? I’m just gonna rest my eyes just a little bit.

Ross: Look, Mon, do you want us to uh, come back later?

Monica: Oh no-no-no, stay, stay, stay, just keep talking. I’m always the hostess.

(Chandler returns.)

Ross: Hey!

Joey: How’d it go?

Chandler: Well, she wasn’t sleeping with him.

Phoebe: Oh good!

Chandler: She is now.

Ross: What are you saying?

Chandler: I’m saying that she… is a devil woman! Y’know I mean you think you know someone and then they turn around and they sleep with Nick! Nick, with his rock hard pecs, and his giant man-nipples! I hate him, I hate her! Well, I don’t hate her, I love her. This is all my fault really.

Phoebe: How? How is your fault?

Chandler: Because, I-I should’ve called! Y’know if I had just called her after our big, stupid fight, she never would’ve gone out with Nick, and they would’ve ended up in bed together. I threw her at his man nipples!

Rachel: Honey, this is not your fault, just because you guys had a fight, it does not justify her sleeping with someone.

Ross: Well, if-if she thought they were on a break…

(They all turn and glare at him.)


[Scene: Bloomingdale’s, Rachel is sitting at her desk as Mr. Waltham comes in.]

Mr. Waltham: Rachel, one of your customers seems to have left his billfold. A Joshua Bergen.

Rachel: Really?

Mr. Waltham: Will you call him?

Rachel: Yes! I will! Absolutely! (She takes out his license and her license and holds them face to face with each other. She then proceeds to act like Dark Helmut in Spaceballs, and mimic a conversation between the two of them.) Hello, Rachel. Hi, Joshua. I left my wallet here on purpose. Really? Yes, I just wanted to see you again. Oh, I’m glad. Rachel, I’d like to say something to you. Yes? How you doin’?



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