Your new boss sounds terrible, I wouldn’t work for him for all the tea in China!
Not for all the tea in China意思是說“無論對方給我多優(yōu)厚的報酬或好處,我都不會做……”。這個習語出現(xiàn)于19世紀末期,當時中國是世界上最大的茶葉生產(chǎn)地,所以“all the tea in China”的確是一筆巨大的財富。
As useful as a chocolate teapot 中看不中用
This course is as good as a chocolate teapot, so I want to quit next semester.
A storm in a tea cup/a tempest in a teapot 小題大做
The whole affair is just a tempest in a teapot. In a couple of months everyone will have forgotten about it.
not my cup of tea 不是我喜歡的
I realize a fantasy computer game is not everyone’s cup of tea, but this one is amazing.
Tea and sympathy 對不幸者的安慰與同情
Sometimes people want practical advice and sometimes they just want tea and sympathy.
再來跟大家聊聊關于茶的一些小知識吧!茶是除水之外人們喝的最多的飲料。茶分為紅茶(black tea)、綠茶(green tea)、白茶(white tea)、烏龍茶(Oolong)等,不過這些茶都是從野茶樹(Camellia sinensis)上采摘下來的,它們之所以顏色和味道有別是因為加工的方法不同。