當春天到來時陽光和暖,就連花草樹木也爭奇斗艷,在大地鋪上一層美景,甚至連飛鳥也懂得在這春光明媚的大自然里宛轉動聽地鳴叫。士君子假 如能僥幸出人頭地列入杰出人物行列,同時每天又能酒足飯飽過上好生活, 卻不想為后世寫下幾部有益的書,做一些有益于世人的事,那他即使活到一 百歲的高壽也如同一天都沒活過。
《菜根譚·花鋪好色 人行好事》 洪應明
When spring arrives the weather turns mild. Flowers blossom, carpeting the earth. The birds sing beautiful canticles of praise. Scholars rejoice to find their names on the lists of successful examination candidates. They are finely clad and eat their fill. At such a time, if they do not turn their attention to worthy words and deeds, even if they were to live one hundred years, it would be of no more significance than living for only one day.