Wedding custom around the world (4)
Philippines1):A white silk cord is draped around the couple’s shoulders to indicate their union. A bell-shaped cage2) housing white doves(symbolizing peace)is a favored wedding decoration. At a well-timed moment, the bride and groom pull on ribbon streamers to release the birds, a send-off into their new lives.
Poland:Reception guests customarily buy a dance with the bride by pining3) money to her veil or tucking bills into a special bridal4) purse to build a honeymoon fund. Luck comes of the bride who drinks a glass of wine at the celebration without spilling a drop.
Switzerland:A pine tree, which symbolizes luck and fertility5), is planted at the couple’s new home. After vows6), the bride’s floral wreath, which symbolizes her maidenhood, is removed and set afire by the mistress of ceremonies. It’s considered lucky if it burns quickly.
菲律賓:新人的肩上搭繞著一根白色的絲線以示他們的結(jié)合?;槎Y上, 人們喜歡在鐘形的籠子里裝上白色的鴿子(象征和平)作為裝飾品。在合適的時(shí)刻, 新娘新郎扯下彩帶, 放飛鴿子, 作為他們新生活的使者。
波蘭:出席婚禮的賓客要將錢別在新娘的面紗上或者將錢塞入新娘的一個(gè)特殊錢包里, 以此來“買”得與新娘共舞一曲, 而新娘則可以將這些錢積攢起來以供蜜月之用。如果新娘能夠在婚禮上滴酒不漏地喝光一杯葡萄酒, 幸運(yùn)就會(huì)降臨于新娘。
瑞士:新婚夫婦的新家里會(huì)種上一棵松樹, 象征著運(yùn)氣和生育。婚禮宣誓后, 象征著新娘少女身份的花環(huán)要由婚禮的女主持人取下燒掉。如果花環(huán)很快就燃燒起來, 這被認(rèn)為是幸運(yùn)的事。
NOTE 注釋:
1. Philippines [5filipi:nz,-painz] n. 菲律賓共和國, 菲律賓群島
2. cage [keidV] n. 籠子
3. pin [pin] vt. 釘住, 別住
4. bridal [5braidl] adj. 新娘的
5. fertility [fE:5tiliti] n 人口生產(chǎn)
6. vow [vaJ] n. 誓約