Larry最近去約塞美蒂國家公園度假。他正在告訴李華旅游的情況。李華會學到兩個常用語:blown away和bone head。
LL: Yosemite was fantastic. You really should go sometime, Li Hua. I know you would be completely blown away by the scenery.
LH: 你是說那兒的風很大,會把我吹走呀?我本來倒是很想去,可是要是會被吹走的話,那不是太危險了嘛?
LL: No, no. By "blown away" I mean you would be astounded. When something blows you away, it amazes you.
LH: 噢,blown away 在這里指的是感到驚異,吃驚。對了,我看到過約塞美蒂國家公園的照片。照片上的風景就讓我驚嘆不已了。
LL: But being there in person is so much more amazing. You won't believe how high some of the waterfalls are; when you go, it will blow you away!
LH: 身臨其境那當然更好了。我是聽說了那兒的瀑布從很高的山上流下來,非常驚人。其實你知道嗎,Larry,中國也有許多有名的山脈。下回你去中國一定要去黃山玩。那里的景色也會讓你驚嘆不已!
LL: I am sure I will be blown away. I've heard friends who have been to Huang Shan and talk about it, and it does sound amazing.
LH: 對,很多美國人都去黃山玩過,他們都覺得很美。對了,Larry,你去約塞美蒂有沒有照相哪?
LL: I sure do. Before I left, my uncle came by and gave me a new camera to take with me to Yosemite. I was blown away by his generosity.
LH: 你叔叔那么好呀!知道你要出去玩還特地送你一個新的照相機呀!他這么慷慨,人人都會感到驚異,而且還會讓人羨慕你吶。
LL: Yes, sometimes when someone does something unexpectedly nice, it really blows you away.
LH: 對,象我剛到美國的時候沒有汽車,有的人開車帶我去買菜,然后告訴我到什么地方該怎么走。我沒有想到人們會對我這么好,真是讓我感到又感動,又驚訝呢。
LL: You know, the scenery was beautiful, but I was also blown away by the number of tourists at Yosemite.
LH: 那有什么奇怪的?放暑假嘛,旅游的人當然多了!
LL: Li Hua,I was also blown away by some of the stupid things people would do in the park!
LH: 那不奇怪,在哪兒都有人做一些不得體的事。你看見有些人做什么啦?
LL: Well, there was one guy who was feeding the deer. What a bone head!
LH: 給鹿吃東西?公園里一般都不讓大家給動物吃東西。你說bone head,你是指那頭鹿頭上有骨頭?誰頭上沒有骨頭呀?
LL: No, I mean the guy who fed the deer was a bone head. A bone head is someone who has no brains and does something really stupid.
LH: 嗯,bone head就是沒有腦筋的人,所以你是指那些給鹿吃東西的人沒有腦子。對了,我聽說鹿應該在他們所在的棲息地自己找東西吃。
LL: Yes, there are thousands of tourists who come to Yosemite every day. If everyone fed them, the deer would probably get fat and sick!
LH: 還有那些隨地扔東西的人也很討厭,他們也都是bone-headed。
LL: Exactly. Not picking up your trash just spoils the view for others and is bad for the environment.
LH: 就是嘛,到處扔垃圾不但會影響公園的景色,而且也有害與保護環(huán)境。也許他們是因為沒有扔垃圾的口袋?
LL: That still seems like a bone-headed excuse to me. You can carry your trash until you find a park trash can or bring it with you to your car.
LH: 你說我沒有腦筋才會問這樣的問題?我看你才沒腦筋吶!把垃圾拿在手里,等到看見垃圾筒再扔?或者把垃圾帶回到你汽車里?什么餿主意呀!
LL:I wonder why don't parks give out trash bags to everyone who comes into the park, Li Hua, Do you think that would prevent littering?
LH: Larry,這才是個好主意吶! 公園應該給每個來公園玩的人發(fā)一個垃圾袋,這樣人們就不會隨地扔東西了。
LL:In fact, there are some parks in the U.S. that do that.
LH: 有的公園已經(jīng)這樣做了,那別的公園也應該這樣做。
LL:So, I had a good idea! I guess that means you don't think I'm a bone head!
LH:對,這個主意很好,所以你不是一個bone head.
今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是blown away,意思是驚嘆,驚奇。另一個常用語是bone head,意思是沒有腦筋的人。