在中文里,mixed是混合的意思。A mixed bag,是指各式各樣的人、東西或是活動。用a mixed bag來形容我的鄰居的組成簡直是再貼切不過了,they are a mixed bag.
例句-1:Did you happen to see the concert for the new president on TV? It featured so many different styles of music, from pop to country, hip-hop to rock and roll. In addition to the talented singers, many famous actors also made presentations. The event represented such a mixed bag that viewers of every age and taste seemed to enjoy it.
那場表演我也看了,絕對一流。說到音樂,我的MP3播放機(jī)里就有各種各樣的音樂,有上榜金曲,有懷舊老歌,還有古典音樂。I like listening to a mixed bag. 否則的話,聽不了多久就會感到千篇一律。
例句-2:My girlfriend and I have been looking through the catalog of courses that our community offers. We thought there'd only be a few choices, but there's quite a mixed bag. Among the assortment are classes in many areas, such as cooking, dancing, computers, arts and crafts, recreational activities and foreign languages! We may have to take a couple.