Quit, 在中文里是停止、放棄的意思。ahead意思是在前面。Quit while one's ahead, 就是中文里所說的見好就收。
就說我喜歡的那家冰激凌店吧。本來賣冰激凌挺賺錢的,可偏偏要增加產(chǎn)品種類,結果反而造成了服務和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的下降。They should have quit while they were ahead。他們本該見好就收才對。下面例句里玩撲克牌的人就明白這一點。我們一起聽。
例句-1:I'm not the greatest poker player. But so far tonight, I've managed to win about $500. If I stay in the game, I stand to make even more. But I also risk losing it. I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. That way, I'm sure to walk out with a nice pot of money I hadn't expected.
我老爸告訴過我,他年輕時有一次剛領了工資就被朋友拉著去賭場,一上來贏了不少,可是, he didn't quit while he was ahead. 最后輸了個精光,整整吃了一個月的方便面。
我特別喜歡看電影,特別是老片子。上星期,我又把七十年代的幾部經(jīng)典影片拿出來看。大家一定看過 Godfather《教父》,如果沒有的話,請聽下面這段介紹。
例句-2:Have you watched The Godfather, a thriller about the lives of a fictional Italian-American crime family? It's ranked as the second greatest film in our country's cinematic history. After it won several Academy Awards, a sequel was planned. Although producers considered quitting while they were ahead, they soon went on to make The Godfather, Part II. It also received Oscars, including one for Best Picture.
你也許會問,那排名第一的電影是哪部?排名第一的電影就是Citizen Kane《公民凱恩》。