Carole: What are you doing?
Finn: I'm going to flush Dad's ashes down the toilet.
Carole: Have you lost your mind?!
Finn: What? I'm just doing the same thing you're doing to him. What's the point of keeping his remains around if you're just gonna dump them out like an old ashtray?
Carole: Fine.
Finn: What are you doing?
Carole: What you want. What we've been doing for the last 15 years-- pretending. Come on,Finn,let's sit and watch TV as a family. Look! There's a basketball game on. Your dad would've liked to watch that. What do you think, Christopher?
Finn: Mom,you're being crazy.
Carole: And you're being selfish. I like Burt. I-I... I haven't felt this way about a guy since your dad died. At least not one who felt it back.
Finn: This family works. I don't want it to get screwed up!
Carole: This family manages. We get by. You just don't know any differently because you think what we have is normal. I do this with him every night. I take the urn to bed with me,and I talk to him about my day. 16 years, I've been asking him for advice and... and waiting to hear his laugh, and for him to tell me that he loves me. And he never does. And he never will.
Finn: I won't do it. I'm not moving. I'm not ready. And he wouldn't want you to do this if I wasn't ready.
Carole: You didn't know him, Finn. Sweetheart,I love you so much. We don't need any more memories or ghosts. We need a family. A home.