Effie: So you and Brian broke up, huh?
Tibby: I guess.
Effie: Do you think you're over it yet? Over him, I mean? Like you wouldn't be upset or anything if you found out he was dating someone else?
Tibby: Effie, what's this about?
Effie: I guess it's about wanting to know if...If you'd be okay with me dating Brian?
Tibby: I mean, of course I said I didn't mind. I just think it's a little weird, you know? She's not even his type. And she's really young, which is gross. I can't believe he would actually ask her out. Do you think he would ask her out? Whatever. It doesn't matter. I don't really care. I just...I'm just curious, you know.
Carmen: But it kind of sounds like you care, Tibby. Otherwise you wouldn't be here freaking out.
Tibby: Like you're the poster girl for even tempers?
Carmen: I'm just saying you can't have it both ways. If you don't want Brian dating other girls, then you probably shouldn't have broken up with him. Pretty simple.
Tibby: You don't have a clue why Brian and I broke up.
Carmen: Well, do you?
Tibby: Carmen, I was just kind of hoping for some support. Not a lecture and some psychobabble. I didn't drive all the way up here in rush hour traffic just so you could ignore me and read your book!
Carmen: I'm studying my lines, Tibby. What do you want me to do, just stop my life? It's not like I was exactly expecting you! I haven't heard from you in what, a month?
Tibby: Where the hell is this coming from?
Carmen: The fact that you even have to ask that question pretty much says everything.
Julia: Carmen! Hey, I brought you a scone. Hi.
Carmen: Thank you. Julia, this is Tibby. Tibby, this is Julia.
Julia: You're the video-store girl.
Tibby: The video-store girl. I have to go. I have to work on my script.
Julia: Wow. So you're a writer too?
Tibby: Ciao!
Julia: Ciao.
Lena: Nice restaurant.
Leo: You know, it's not too crowded either, which is nice.
Lena: It's great.
Leo: How are you?
Lena: Good. I can't believe you did all this.
Leo: Well, nothing's too good for my Muse.
Lena: What? Is that what I am?
Leo: Well, I've been feeling really inspired lately, so...Why do I get the feeling like something's not right? You okay?
Lena: Yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry, I'm just thinking.
Leo: About what exactly? What's going on?
Lena: Nothing. This idea of a Muse, it's romantic, isn't it?
Leo: Yeah. Yeah, it's a little romantic, I guess. I've heard worse.
Lena: Have you ever been in love?
Leo: I love being in love.
Lena: Yeah, but...do you think that there's one person that we're each meant to be with?
Leo: One person? No, not really. I know that's not the answer you wanted to hear.
Lena: No, it's the way you feel. I like that you're honest.
Leo: But...you may not be into it?
Lena: No, I am. I wanna be.
Leo: That's two different things, right? But, I mean, Lena, you don't need to apologize for what you want.
Lena: But I don't even know what I want. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry I keep saying I'm sorry so much.
Leo: Then stop saying you're sorry. You don't need to apologize. Unless you don't like the food. Then you should definitely apologize.
Lena: Food's great.