Doug: Well, this is it. Let's go. OK. Now, no crapping on the carpet, alright?
Taylor: Mum! It's the loser duck guy.
Holly: Hi, Doug.
Doug: Hi.
Holly: I see you've already met my son, Taylor.
Doug: Your son.
Taylor: He lost my communicator.
Holly: You did?
Doug: Well... it was a misunderstanding.
Taylor: He's mean.
Holly: Well, no. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose.
Doug: Course not. No, I'm gonna get you a new one.
Taylor: Whatever!
Holly: Come in. Come in.
Taylor: Oh, hello.
Holly: That's Artie. He's Taylor's friend. Oh, OK, Practically lives here. He's a bit different, but he's a good kid. Shall I put that in the fridge?
Doug: Yes. Please. It's chardonnay.
Holly: Ooh! Favorite.
Doug: So, what are you building? Is it a rock?
Artie: It's not a rock, it's actually an asteroid.
Taylor: It's NT7.
Doug: NT7.
Taylor: You wouldn't understand.
Doug: I wouldn't?
Taylor: It's an asteroid that's gonna destroy the Earth in 2019. It'll be the end of the world.
Doug: Really? Wow!
Taylor: There's nothing we can do to stop it.
Doug: OK, then.
Brenda: You're joking. Ugh! You're an idiot!
Brent: Hello, Brenda.
Brenda: Hello, Brent.
Brent: You look like you could do with a drink. Care to join me?
Brenda: OK.
Doug: You can pet him. He won't bite. Just, yeah, feel how soft he is under there, look.
Artie: He's like a duck.
Doug: It is a duck, isn't it?
Holly: OK, you lot. Dinner's ready.
Doug: There you go.
Artie: I've got a joke. What do you call a guy with a spade in his head?
Doug: Dunno.
Artie: Doug!
Doug: Very good. Haven't actually heard that one before.
Artie: Really?
Doug: No.
Holly: Taylor...before it gets cold.