Brent: Come on, Doug. How long have we gotta wait for this kid? I wanna get a good park.
Doug: Here he is,
Holly: You love cricket, remember?
Doug: Hi, Taylor.
Holly: Say hi.
Taylor: Hi.
Doug: Hope you're hungry. We've got heaps of snacks.
Craig: Hello.
Holly: Hello.
Craig: You must be the gorgeous Holly Flash won't shut up about.
Holly: Oh.
Doug: Holly, this is my friend, Craig, He's staying with me for a while.
Holly: Hi, Craig.
Craig: Hello.
Doug: So, look, don't worry at all, OK? We're gonna get him straight home after the game. We're all very responsible. And...
Friends: Oh, nice one, Doug.
Holly: Relax, Doug. I trust you. It's very lovely of you to arrange all this. So thanks.
Brent: Alright, come on, let's go.
Holly: Perhaps I should come with you, eh?
Doug: Oh... no girls.
Taylor: Yeah, Mum, no girls.
Holly: Fair enough.
Taylor: You're bringing the duck?
Brent: Are you kidding? Of course he's bringing Pierre. Come on, let's go.
Doug: Alright. See you soon.
Holly: Yeah. You boys take good care of him.
Friends: Let's party! Whoo-hoo!
Anchorman: Come on! What do you call that?!
Doug: See? Up that way.
Craig: So... Holly?
Doug: The bird expert?
Craig: The extremely cute bird expert.
Taylor: She's just helping him with Pierre.
Craig: Yes. Is that all? That all she's helping you with?
Doug: Yes, that's all.
Instructor: Camera 3, just give me a sweep of the crowd. Good. Uh, Brian, stop. Go back. There. Tell me you can see that.
Brent: So, you like cricket, then, kid?
Taylor: It's OK.
Brent: Just OK? So, um... well, what do you like?
Taylor: Space.
Brent: Space? Cool.
Taylor: Do you know about NT7?
Brent: NT7? Um... That's a lubricant, eh? Like WD-40.
Taylor: No, it's an asteroid.
Brent: Oh, OK.
Taylor: NT7 circles the sun every 837 days, and travels in a tilted orbit from the distance of Mars to just within the Earth's orbit. On the 1st of February, 2019, it will hit Earth, causing a global climatic disaster that will threaten the future of civilization as we know it.
Brent: Wow. OK, that's, um... ...pretty heavy sh... stuff there, fella.
Host: Howzat!
Brent: Boys! Heh-heh. Good game, eh?
Doug: Yeah.
Brent: Oh, man, that kid Taylor's pretty full-on. He's got some issues there, I reckon.
Friend: Although he's wrong about NT7. It's gonna miss us by a country mile.
Brent: What do you mean?
Friend: Oh, I read a while back on 'Sky and Telescope', apparently, its course has changed somewhat. Still, don't wanna spoil a kid's fantasy, eh?
Host: Great delivery, and what a HUGE breakthrough.
Instructor: Brian, cue.
Instructor: Yes, he never looked settled at the crease and now he's thrown his wicket away without scoring. Oh, what the hell's that? I believe it's called a 'duck', Allan. Oh, who'd bring a duck to a cricket match? Can't be a real duck. Actually, I think It's what they call a 'shelduck', Allan. Oh, it's a shelduck, Is it? Yeah, it Is. But they're more commonly known as 'parries' over here.