Dylan: Shaun White seems really great. Nice dude. How do you know him again?
Jamie: I took his virginity.
Dylan: So you guys have known each other for a while?
Jamie: No, it was like eight months ago.
Dylan: So does the carpet match the drapes?
Jamie: It's hardwood floors, if you know what I mean.
Dylan: My God! Terrible visual.
Jamie: Totally kidding, by the way. Just an old friend of mine.
Dylan: You guys use the same leave-in conditioner. His hair had nice body.
Jamie: Can I get two gyro number sixes, extra sauce?
Dylan: What are you looking for?
Jamie: The cops. Come on.
Dylan: The cops?
Jamie: Yep... Come on!
Dylan: Where are you taking me?
Jamie: You'll see. Well, here's your open space. Run, gazelle. Run!
Dylan: Wow. This is unbelievable.
Jamie: I know.
Dylan: Okay, this was not on Seinfeld.
Jamie: Come on, what's your dad think about all this?
Dylan: About what?
Jamie: Well, he must have an opinion. He used to write for the LA Times for 23 years.
Dylan: Somebody did their homework.
Jamie: I have this thing at work. It's called Google. Come on, what's he think about the job?
Dylan: Actually, I didn't ask him.
Jamie: Well, then you must know what he'd say.
Dylan: He'd tell me to go with my gut and that he'd be proud of me no matter what I did.
Jamie: Sounds like a really great man.
Dylan: Yeah, he is.
Jamie: Hey, do you want to see something really cool?
Dylan: I always want to see something really cool. What...
Jamie: Come on.
Dylan: Okay.
Jamie: Only place in the city you can actually see the stars.
Dylan: Wow.
Jamie: Yeah.
Dylan: It's pretty awesome.
Jamie: I know. I like to come up here to think. Just when it gets a little too much for me down there, it's like... It's like my New York version of a mountaintop. Best part, no cell reception.
Dylan: You take all your recruits up here?
Jamie: Actually, never really taken anyone up here.
Dylan: Really?
Jamie: Yeah.
Dylan: Thanks.
Jamie: If you tell anyone about this, I will rip your ears off and staple them to your neck.
Dylan: Everyone in this city seems really violent.
Jamie: Come on, let's go. One last stop.
Dylan: We're just getting comfortable.
Jamie: I know you are. Come on, buddy. It's New York. Now hustle. Come on. Come on, come on.
Dylan: You're showing me Times Square. This is not touristy at all!
Jamie: Would you shush? Come on.
Dylan: Do we have to power-walk everywhere we go?
Jamie: Yes.
Dylan: So everybody just kind of walks wherever they want, then.
Jamie: OK. How 'bout right here?
Dylan: What do you mean?
Jamie: We're here.
Dylan: Oh, my God, it's 1988.
Jamie: All right, smartass, give it five seconds.
Dylan: What is this?
Jamie: It's a flash mob.
Dylan: Like on Oprah!
Jamie: Exactly.
Dylan: Should we get out of the way?
Jamie: No, no. Enjoy it. Take it all in.
Dylan: It's pretty damn cool.
Jamie: Right? It's kind of rad.
Dylan: Do these people get paid for this?
Jamie: No. No. They kind of just do it for fun. It's nice to feel like you're a part of something. New York can be a little bit lonely at times.
Dylan: And you're trying to sell me on it.
Jamie: Every place can be a bit lonely sometimes. Be careful!
Dylan: Oh, my God.
Jamie: Come down.
Dylan: Okay. Shit. Get back down.
Jamie: Okay.
Dylan: I'm in.
Jamie: What?
Dylan: You sold me.
Jamie: Really?
Dylan: I'll take the job.
Jamie: Oh, my God!
Dylan: What, are you surprised?
Jamie: No! No. Oh, you are gonna crush it! Amazing. You can all go home now! Thank you!
Dylan: Very funny.