Emma: Excuse me. Weren't you Larry Lightning Bolt in Miss Hyderman's first-grade science play?
Joey: What do you know... Rhonda Rain Shower?
Emma: Right?
Joey: That's me.
Emma: Geez.
Joey: Yeah.
Emma: Well, thanks for meeting me here.
Joey: Yeah, sure.
Emma: It's been so long. Look. Um... Joey, I'm afraid I've just been making messes.
Joey: From what I have heard, you've had sort of a, uh... a rough year.
Emma: We... who did... who did you hear that from?
Joey: From Willie.
Emma: Willie. Yeah. Look, that's the reason I called you. I've just been feeling so badly about all the terrible things... that have happened to him because of me. I know that he stayed with you when he was here, so I figured you'd be in touch. I don't even know why he ever even liked me.
Joey: Liked you? This kid was ready to climb inside your aorta. For crying out loud.
Emma: What?
Joey: Uh, never mind. It... it works when Will says it.
Emma: Look. Um, if you talk to him, will you tell him how sorry I am?
Joey: Okay.
Emma: Hey, Jim.
Jimbo: Oh. Uh, Willie sent this. He's in San Francisco. He's performing at the Fisherman's Wharf. He sent it with another letter to me. He didn't know where to send it after your dad died, so... Here you go.
Emma: Thanks.
Jimbo: How's your mom doing?
Emma: She's fine.
Jimbo: Is she?
Emma: Yeah.
Jimbo: Good. Good. Well...
Ema: Thank you.