Pastor: I, Jonathan, take you, Halley, to be my wife, and I promise to love and sustain you in the bonds of marriage from this day forward. And obviously, Jonathan, you'll be looking at Halley. And that's when the actual ceremony will conclude.
Man: Excuse me.
Pastor: What?
Man: Well, look, I need some help over here.
Pastor: And then... then you're married.
Jonathan: Hal, who's that girl over there?
Halley: Huh? Oh, that's my old friend Eve.
Woman: Okay, everyone, that's a wrap. And now make sure to be here tomorrow morning at 9:00 sharp for pictures.
Dean: Yes, yes. I hate to break up a good thing, but we have half a dozen strippers waiting for us. We're late.
Halley: You mean "exotic dancers."
Dean: No, no. I actually mean "strippers," the women who take off everything.
McKinley: Listen, I'll see you men at 9:00. But remember, I promised Judy I'd be home by 10:00.
Dean: Fantastic, Mr. McKinley. It gives you an hour to get crazy. Okay, let's get into it.
Halley: Uh, Dean, before you take Jon and Dad off to your male-bonding ritual, I need to talk to him.
Dean: Okay. Beautiful bride. I'll be in the cab.
Halley: Hi. I want you to meet Jon.
Eve: Hi. It's so nice to meet you.
Halley: I would love for you to come tomorrow. We'd feel terrible if you didn't.
Eve: Really?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Eve: That's so sweet. And it's tomorrow at noon?
Halley: Yeah, and you can bring your friend if you want.
Eve: Okay.
Jonathan: Be there.
Eve: Wow. I'll be there. Thank you. That's so nice.
Jonathan: See you tomorrow.
Eve: See you tomorrow. Nice to meet you. Okay, bye. Bye. See you.
Jonathan: Halley, what is it? What's wrong?
Halley: It's you.
Jonathan: What do you mean, it's me? What did I do?
Halley: Nothing, exactly. It's just this feeling I have, like...like you've been somewhere else for the past few days.
Jonathan: That's not true.
Eve: Don't lie to me, Jonathan. I've dreamed about this my entire life, and... and...I've imagined the dress and the flowers and even the music the band was gonna play. And everything is exactly the way I want it, except for my fiancé, who's just decided to float off to Never-Never Land.
Jonathan: Look, maybe I've been a little bit out of it the past week, but it's just normal, you know, guy stuff. It's a little cold feet. Doesn't mean I don't love you.
Halley: Well, call me crazy, but I'd like my fiancé's feet to be warm, especially when we're hours from going down the aisle.
Jonathan: I'm sorry, Hal. Really, I am.
Halley: Whatever it is that you're holding on to, please just let it go. Please.
Jonathan: I think it already let go of me, okay?
Halley: Wait. Wait one second.
Jonathan: What's this?
Halley: What do you think? It's the traditional groom's gift.
Jonathan: I got yours, and I forgot to bring it.
Halley: I know. It's okay. Open it. It's a first edition. It's just that every time we go into a bookstore, you're always flipping through it. And I checked this week. You don't even have a copy. What's wrong? Don't you like it?
Jonathan: It's perfect. It's an excellent choice.