A: I swear I will never shop at a street market in China. It's a terrible place full of excellent profiteers! You have to keep an eye whenever it comes to paying for something.
B: cool down, Harry! What are you really mad about? Did you get ripped off?
A: yes. Last Sunday I went to a nearby market. It was on open-air fair. I chanced upon this bag and bought it on the spot, without even trying to strike a bargain. I paid one hundred and twenty. And just now I was told by my chinese colleagues I bought it overpriced. I could have talked my way to thirty.
B: is that so? I'm afraid people here will not take pity on unlucky guys like you. Bargaining has always been an indispensable precedure in business deals. It's the norm of free trade. The seller sets a preposterous price, and the buyer tries his best to bring it down, until a compromise is reached. Yet you ignored the process. No wonder you ended up easy prey.
A: but don't you think it annoying to overcharge the customers by such a handsome margin?
B: of course, that's something really irritation. And the only way to avoid being trapped is to know in advance about the real worth of the stuff. I recommend you to consult the price tags in the supermarket first. And then you may negotiate for a real deal.