Speaking out anonymously through the youth engagement tool U-Report, almost three-quarters of young people also said social networks, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, are the most common place for online bullying.
More than 170,000 U-Reporters aged 13-24 years old participated in the poll released by UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN special representative of the secretary-general on violence against children, including young people from 30 countries in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.
"Connected classrooms mean school no longer ends once a student leaves class, and, unfortunately, neither does schoolyard bullying," said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore.
"Improving young people's education experience means accounting for the environment they encounter online as well as offline."
According to the poll, some 32 percent of the young people believe governments should be responsible for ending cyberbullying, 31 percent said young people and 29 percent said internet companies.
The poll results challenge the notion that cyberbullying among classmates is a uniquely high-income issue. 34 percent of respondents in sub-Saharan Africa said they had been a victim of online bullying.
Some 39 percent said they knew about private online groups inside the school community where children share information about peers for the purpose of bullying.