Despite being a leading figure in epidemiology in China, Li regards herself as an ordinary medical worker. So when the novel coronavirus pneumonia broke out in late December, Li, without any hesitation, joined the epidemic expert group on Jan 18 and headed for Wuhan to fight against the disease.
As soon as the team found that the new virus can be transmitted from person to person, Li bravely proposed that Wuhan should be immediately locked down.
At that time, experts still knew little about the novel coronavirus’ spread, Li’s proposal indicated that a city with over 11 million population would be in an emergency status. If her judgment was incorrect, both the city and Li’s reputation would suffer greatly.
But Li cared about nothing more than millions of people in the city and the whole nation. She handed her proposal to the central government again. It was adopted the next day and proven to be effective later.
Yet it was only the beginning of the battle. Since she arrived in Wuhan, Li has been working nonstop.
On Feb 1, Li’s emergency medical team from Shulan Hospital in Hangzhou was geared up for their aid to Wuhan, heading directly to Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University to start their work. “We can bring our experience to Wuhan and we hope that critically ill patients can be treated in a timely manner,” she told China News.
But constant work has taken a hefty toll on Li, giving her very little time to sleep.
When a picture of her exhausted face was posted on the internet, many internet users shed tears, expressing concerns about her health. One wrote, “Li is a real hero who has devoted herself to public health.”
But Li smiled and said, “I’m in good health”, and continued to “race against time”, according to China News.
Any job well done must have been carried out by a person who is fully dedicated. Li has been fully committed to her job. No wonder many call her “a female fighter on the frontline”.