New Yorker Seth Phillips is one of the most hardworking protestors and humorous social commenters out there. He’s the face of the fabulously popular ‘Dude With Sign’ Instagram account with over 7.4 million followers where he uploads photos of himself with signs that cut past the BS and tell us what the world’s really like.
紐約人賽斯·菲利普斯是最努力的抗議者之一,也是最幽默的社會評論者之一。他是非常受歡迎的Instagram賬號“Dude With Sign”的代言人,有超過740萬粉絲。他還上傳自己和標牌的照片,這些標牌可以告訴我們世界到底是什么樣的。
We’ve collected some of the Dude’s newest signs for you to see, dear Pandas, so check ‘em out as you scroll down. Remember to give the ones that made you nod in agreement a big ol’ upvote. Just because it’s funny doesn’t mean it’s not true.
More info: Instagram | Twitter