There are some phrases that just don’t make sense. They get printed on shirts, billboards, and street signs, and if you encounter one, you’ll know it. Looking thrice and turning your head upside down won’t help. Asking for a friend’s help in deciphering the message won’t do much either.
You may call these phrases cursed and you wouldn’t be wrong. But there is an online group that’s not only entirely dedicated to these nonsensical phrases, but has also defined them as a phenomenon worthy of our attention on its own. Powered by 603k members, the Don't Dead Open Inside subreddit is a place for “signs and media that read as nonsense if read normally: from left to right.”
你可能會說這些話是詛咒,你不會錯的。但有一個網(wǎng)絡小組不僅專門研究這些無意義的短語,還將它們定義為一種值得我們關(guān)注的現(xiàn)象。由603k成員提供動力,Don't Dead Open Inside subreddit是一個“如果正常閱讀,從左到右讀為無意義的標志和媒體”的地方。
It may sound tricky, but bear with me. Below are some of the funniest signs that require 0% common sense and to throw everything you know about sentence structure out the window. Who knew that there could be so much sense in such nonsense?!
#1 Will There Be Blood Or Not!?
#2 Jesus Scares
#3 5 Extremely Slow Children Playing
#4 Doesn’t Sound Like Fun
#5 Well That Seems Unfair
#6 This Is Actually Pretty Clever
#7 Don’t Save A Life Be Afraid To Give Blood
#8 7 Surprising Black Ways To Use Beans
#9 Shosple Colupis
#10 Stand Hong With Kong
圖片來源:Liucija Adomaite