"It might be a while. Don't turn on the light or anything, okay?"
Park said he'd come back after his dad got home and his parents were both asleep.
"And watch for the Impala."
He looked more serious than she'd seen him since the day he kicked Steve's ass. Or since her first day on the bus, when he'd ordered her to sit down. That was still the only time she'd heard him use the F-word.
Maybe she should feel bad about involving him in all this, but she didn't. He was right, the worst thing that would happen to him (barring some terrible accident) was that he'd be grounded. And being grounded at his house was like winning the Price is Right showcase compared to what would happen if Eleanor got caught.
Eleanor sat back down at the table. She could see Park's driveway from there, through the lace curtains. She felt tired suddenly. She just wanted to lay her head down. It was already after midnight; it could be hours before Park came back…
And then he was gone.
He leaned into the RV and touched her chin.
# Eleanor #
"Please be careful," she said.