高中英語作文的練習需要長期不斷的堅持,期間找準素材更能起到事半功倍的效果。以下是小編整理的高中英語作文|The History of Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎的來歷的資料,希望對你的英語作文練習有所幫助!
Nobel Prize is part of the heritage of Alfred Bernhard Nobel, who is a Swedish chemist and dynamite inventor. He put 31000000 SEK as the fund to establish the prize.
Nobel Prize contains five awards, which are physical, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace prize.
They awarded the people who make great contributions year in the world in these areas last past depending on the annual interest of the fund or investment income. The first award set in 1901.
It was a feather in one’s cap to win the Nobel Prize.
Mo Yan sets a good example, who won the Nobel Prize recently.
He is the pride of our Chinese.