她把玫瑰種在家中.玫瑰的長勢非常好,枝繁葉茂;每年六月,在片片綠葉與新芽之中,綻放出絢麗的紅花,散發(fā)出濃郁的香味,仿佛它的根須之間依舊燃燒著那位意大利情人的憤怒與沒能實現(xiàn)的渴望。 當然老伯爵肯定早已去世多年;而她也記不起他的名字了,甚至連她所住過的那座小城的名字也忘記了,雖然她曾經(jīng)在拂曉之時看它猶如滿天的繁星在空中閃爍。
The next day, when their mended carriage had come up to fetch them, and they were just starting to drive away from the inn, the Conte's old servant appeared with the rose-cutting neatly wrapped up, and the compliments and wishes for a buon viaggio from her master. The town collected to see them depart, and the children ran after their carriage through the gate of the little city. They heard a rush of feet behind them for a few moments, but soon they were far down towards the valley; the little town with all its noise and life was high above them on its mountain peak.
She had planted the rose at home, where it had grown and flourished in a wonderful manner; and every June the great mass of leaves and shoots still broke out into a passionate splendour of scent and crimson colour, as if in its root and fibres there still burnt the anger and thwarted desire of that Italian lover. Of course the old Conte must have died many years ago; she had forgotten his name, and had even forgotten the name of the mountain city that she had stayed in, after first seeing it twinkling at dawn in the sky, like a nest of stars.