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【雙語】例行記者會 2021-2-22





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2021年2月22日外交部發(fā)言人汪文斌主持例行記者會Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin'sRegular Press Conference on February 22, 2021


The high-level segment of the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council will be convened from February 22 to 24. On behalf of the Chinese government, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will address the segment on the night of February 22.

1 新華社記者:你剛才發(fā)布了王毅國務(wù)委員兼外長將在聯(lián)合國人權(quán)理事會高級別會議發(fā)表視頻致辭的消息。這是中國政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人首次在人權(quán)理事會致辭。請問中方有何考慮?對人權(quán)理事會工作有何期待?  Xinhua News Agency: You just announced that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will deliver a speech via videoconference at the high-level segment of the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council. This is the first time for a leader of the Chinese government to address the Human Rights Council. Can you tell us about China's considerations behind this and your expectations for the Council's work? 汪文斌:促進和保護人權(quán)是全人類共同的事業(yè)。中國政府高度重視促進和保護人權(quán),堅持以人民為中心的人權(quán)理念,成功走出一條符合中國國情的人權(quán)發(fā)展道路,取得了舉世矚目的人權(quán)成就。中國積極參與人權(quán)理事會等多邊人權(quán)機制工作,為全球人權(quán)治理貢獻中國智慧和中國方案。去年,中國成功當選2021-2023年人權(quán)理事會成員,這是中國第5次當選人權(quán)理事會成員,充分證明了國際社會對中國人權(quán)事業(yè)的肯定。  Wang Wenbin: Promotion and protection of human rights is a common cause for mankind. The Chinese government attaches high importance to the promotion and protection of human rights, sticks to the people-centered vision of human rights, and has blazed a successful path of human rights development in keeping with our national realities and achieved remarkable progress in this regard. China actively participates in the work of multilateral human rights institutions and contributes Chinese wisdom and propositions to global human rights governance. Last year China was elected as member of the UN Human Rights Council for the term 2021-2023, the fifth time that China got elected, which testifies to the international community's recognition of China's human rights cause.

面對百年未有之大變局和百年未遇的大疫情,如何保護和促進人權(quán)是國際社會都在思考的問題。王毅國務(wù)委員兼外長將在人權(quán)理事會分享中國人權(quán)保障的理念、實踐和經(jīng)驗,并代表中方就全球人權(quán)治理提出重要看法和主張,推動構(gòu)建人類命運共同體。中方愿同國際社會一道,推動人權(quán)理事會秉持公正、客觀和非選擇性原則,倡導(dǎo)恪守聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則及國際關(guān)系基本準則,同等重視各類人權(quán),反對借人權(quán)問題干涉別國內(nèi)政和雙重標準,共同促進國際人權(quán)事業(yè)健康發(fā)展。  Faced with the world's major changes and the COVID-19 pandemic, both unseen in a century, the international community is contemplating the protection and promotion of human rights. At the Human Rights Council, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will share China's vision, practice and experience in human rights protection. On behalf of China, he will put forward important views and propositions on global human rights governance so as to foster a community with a shared future for mankind. China is ready to work with the international community to encourage the Human Rights Council to pursue the principle of impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity, stick to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations, attach equal importance to all categories of human rights, reject interference in other countries' internal affairs and double standards under the pretext of human rights, and jointly promote the sound development of the international human rights cause.

2 日本廣播協(xié)會記者:緬甸當局向抗議人群開槍造成4人死亡。中國作為負責任大國,是否會指責緬甸軍方? NHK: The authorities in Myanmar fired at protesters and caused four deaths. As a responsible major country, does China criticize the military in Myanmar?


Wang Wenbin: As a friendly neighbor, China follows the situation in Myanmar. We hope all parties in Myanmar can take into account the big picture of national development and stability, exercise restraint, properly manage differences under the constitutional and legal framework, and uphold political and social stability.



Nippon TV: A follow-up on that. Are you saying that China approves of what Myanmar's military has done?


Wang Wenbin: I have made clear China's position. We hope all parties in Myanmar can take into account the big picture of national development and stability, exercise restraint, properly manage differences under the constitutional and legal framework, and uphold political and social stability. This is our stance.

4 路透社記者:上周慕尼黑安全會議上,美國總統(tǒng)拜登稱應(yīng)抵制中國政府的“經(jīng)濟侵犯和脅迫”,這動搖了國際經(jīng)濟體系的根基,中方對此有何評論? Reuters: I wanted to ask a question about something that happened at the end of last week. On Friday at the Munich Security Conference, U.S. President Joe Biden said we have to push back against the Chinese government's economic abuses and coercion that undercut the foundations of the international economic system. What's the Chinese side's comment on this? 汪文斌:我想世界上絕大多數(shù)國家都認為中國的發(fā)展是世界經(jīng)濟的機遇,而不是威脅。中國作為世界第二大經(jīng)濟體,通過全面深化改革、不斷擴大開放,積極促進互利合作,為世界經(jīng)濟增長提供了信心和動力,連續(xù)多年對世界經(jīng)濟增長貢獻率超過30%,國際社會對此有目共睹。 Wang Wenbin: I believe most countries agree that China's development brings an opportunity to the world economy, not a threat. As the world's second largest economy, through deepening reform and opening up, China has promoted win-win cooperation and boosted international confidence in and impetus of world economic growth. China has been contributing over 30 percent to world growth for many years in a row. Our contribution is universally recognized by the international community.


In the meantime, I'd like to point out that China, the United States and Europe, as important forces to keep world peace, stability and prosperity, should join hands in practicing and upholding multilateralism. Multilateralism is about having international affairs addressed through consultation, not practicing group politics or forming cliques against specific countries based on ideology. China is ready to continue working with all sides to pursue openness and inclusiveness, stick to consultation and cooperation, promote a new type of international relations, and foster a community with a shared future for mankind.



Beijing Youth Daily: According to reports, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossi and Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi had consultations in Tehran on February 21. On the same day, the two sides issued a joint statement on reaching a temporary bilateral technical understanding for IAEA's verification and monitoring activities. What is China's comment?


Wang Wenbin: The IAEA and Iran reached a technical plan on the verification and monitoring activities that is feasible and acceptable to both sides. China welcomes and commends this and hopes that the two sides continue to work toward the same direction and earnestly follow through on this consensus. We also call on relevant sides to play a constructive role in this process.
中方始終認為,美方重返全面協(xié)議是化解伊核僵局的唯一正確途徑。各方應(yīng)加強緊迫感,共同致力于落實去年12月伊核外長會達成的共識,推動全面協(xié)議早日重返正軌。同時,我們敦促有關(guān)各方都能保持冷靜克制,避免采取可能導(dǎo)致局勢升級的行動,為外交努力留出空間。  China holds that the return of the United States to the JCPOA is the only correct approach to resolve the impasse on the Iranian nuclear issue. All parties should act with greater urgency, work together to implement consensus reached at the foreign ministers' meeting last December, and bring the JCPOA back on track at an early date. Meanwhile, we urge relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint, avoid taking actions that will escalate the situation, and leave room for diplomatic efforts.

6 塔斯社記者:加拿大總理特魯多上周五表示,七國集團領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人在峰會期間同意協(xié)調(diào)行動,以多邊方式應(yīng)對中方對待新疆維吾爾族人及其他人口多為穆斯林的少數(shù)民族的做法。中方對此有何評論? Tass: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada said on Friday that leaders of G7 countries during their summit agreed to coordinate multilateral approach in dealing with China's treatment of its Uyghur population and other mostly Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. I wonder if China has any comments on this? 汪文斌:我剛才已經(jīng)介紹了中方在人權(quán)問題上的立場,借此機會我愿向大家做進一步的介紹。 Wang Wenbin: Earlier I stated China's position on human rights. Here I'd like to add a few words on it.
中國是始終保護并促進人權(quán)發(fā)展的國家。作為世界上最大的發(fā)展中國家,中國奉行以人民為中心的理念,將生存權(quán)、發(fā)展權(quán)作為首要的基本人權(quán),努力促進經(jīng)濟、社會、文化權(quán)利和公民政治權(quán)利全面協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展。新中國成立70多年來,中國的人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值從不到30美元提高到超過1萬美元,8億以上的人口實現(xiàn)了脫貧,在中華民族歷史上首次消滅了絕對貧困。新疆、西藏等少數(shù)民族聚居地區(qū)更是中國人權(quán)進步的典范。拿新疆來說,過去60多年,新疆經(jīng)濟總量增長了200多倍,人均生產(chǎn)總值增長了近40倍,人均預(yù)期壽命由30歲提高到72歲。在抗擊新冠肺炎疫情的斗爭中,中國政府全力保障每一個人的生命健康權(quán),不惜一切代價,以最快速度遏制了疫情蔓延,以最大努力提高治愈率、降低死亡率,并為經(jīng)濟社會生活迅速恢復(fù)提供了保障。 China always protects and promotes human rights. As the largest developing country, China pursues a people-centered vision, regards the rights to subsistence and development as the primary, basic human rights, and works hard to promote the comprehensive and coordinated development of economic, social, cultural rights as well as civil political rights. Since the PRC was founded more than 70 years ago, China's per capita GDP has grown from less than $30 to over $10,000, and more than 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty. For the first time in our nation's history, absolute poverty is eradicated. Xinjiang, Tibet and other areas where ethnic minorities live in clusters are examples of the progress in China's human rights cause. Let's take Xinjiang for instance. Over the past 60-plus years, Xinjiang's aggregate economy grew over 200 times, per capita GDP nearly 40 times, and people's life expectancy from 30 to 72 years. During the fight against COVID-19, the Chinese government has made all-out efforts to protect every citizen's right to life and health at all costs, contained the spread of the virus at the earliest time possible, did our best to raise the cure rate and lower the fatality rate, and guaranteed rapid economic and social recovery.
同時我還想指出,一個國家的人權(quán)好不好,最有發(fā)言權(quán)的是這個國家的人民,而不是什么其他人士或者機構(gòu)。根據(jù)國際權(quán)威機構(gòu)連續(xù)多年的調(diào)查,中國民眾對中國政府的滿意度連年超過90%。我們敦促加拿大方面和有關(guān)國家尊重事實、摒棄偏見,停止利用涉疆或人權(quán)問題干涉中國內(nèi)政。 Meanwhile, I would like to point out that those in the best position to judge a country's human rights condition are its own people, instead of people or agencies in other countries. According to authoritative international research, the Chinese people's overall satisfaction toward the Central Government has been over 90 percent for many years. We urge the Canadian side and relevant countries to respect facts, set aside bias, and stop interfering in China's internal affairs under the pretext of Xinjiang-related or human rights issues.
這里我也想指出一點。近期加拿大方面糾集一些國家發(fā)表所謂“反對任意拘押宣言”。這種做法十分虛偽。加方扣押孟晚舟女士才是典型的任意拘押。而且更加卑劣的是,加方在一些國家明確表示不贊成、不參與聯(lián)署所謂“宣言”的情況下,違背這些國家的意愿,強行將他們納入聯(lián)署國家范圍。這種造假、欺詐行為違背外交職業(yè)道德,背信棄義,也違背國際交往準則,理應(yīng)受到譴責。 I would also like to point out that the Canadian side's launch of the so-called "declaration against arbitrary detention" with some other countries is very hypocritical. There can be no better definition of arbitrary detention than the detention of Ms. Meng Wanzhou. What is more despicable is that even though some countries unequivocally said they do not approve of or participate in the joint signing of the so-call "declaration", Canada put them on the endorsement list against their will. Such cheating and fraudulent deeds should be condemned as they run counter to diplomatic ethics, show a lack of trustworthiness, and violate the norms of international exchanges.



Reuters: Chinese state broadcaster CGTN has applied for a broadcasting license in France, according to the Financial Times, apparently to circumvent the recent ban in the UK. Does the ministry have a comment on this?


Wang Wenbin: I'm not aware of the specifics you mentioned. News outlets are like bridges that promote people-to-people bond through mutual understanding and friendly exchanges. CGTN is an international, professional media agency with an open and inclusive culture where there are staff hailing from over 60 countries and regions. It is committed to news coverage based on the principle of objectivity, equity, truth and accuracy. Its professionalism has been well recognized globally.



Beijing Media Network: The international community is increasingly paying attention to the humanitarian situation in Ethiopia's Tigray region after the conflict. The Ethiopian government said that it is focusing on rebuilding Tigray region and providing humanitarian assistance, and called on the international community to provide support in this regard. What is China's comment?


Wang Wenbin: As a good friend to Ethiopia, China hopes that all Ethiopian people including those in Tigray enjoy peace, stability and prosperity. We support the Ethiopian government's effort in providing help and assistance to people in Tigray and restoring local life and production. Given the shortage of basic living materials in Tigray, China will offer emergency food assistance including rice and wheat to relieve the difficulties faced by the local people. We also call on the international community to give more support and make joint contribution to restoring normal life and work in Tigray.



South China Morning Post: India holds the rotating chairmanship of BRICS this year. I would like to ask what China expects of the grouping this year. Does the border clash between China and India affect BRICS cooperation?


Wang Wenbin: BRICS, consisting of emerging markets and developing countries, is a cooperation mechanism with global influence. In recent years, with growing cohesion, stronger practical cooperation and rising influence, BRICS has become a constructive force for stability in international affairs.


China attaches high importance to the BRICS cooperation mechanism. It stays committed to consolidating BRICS strategic partnership and the positive momentum in BRICS solidarity and cooperation. We support India in hosting this year's BRICS meetings and stand ready to work together with it and other members to strengthen communication and cooperation in various fields, advance the three-pillar-driven cooperation in economic, political and cultural sectors, and expand "BRICS Plus" cooperation to realize solid, sound and sustained progress in BRICS cooperation and to contribute to the international community's efforts to defeat COVID-19, resume economic growth and improve global governance.



Shenzhen TV: On February 19 local time, speaking at a special meeting of the Munich Security Conference, French President Macron said that Europe and the United States should deliver enough COVID-19 vaccine doses to Africa as early as possible, or the African countries will "procure the doses from the Chinese or the Russians", and the power of the West will be "only a concept, and not a reality". Do you have any comment on this?


Wang Wenbin: We welcome and support the statement by France and other Western countries to supply vaccines to Africa to help them defeat COVID-19.


China's assistance and provision of vaccines to African countries is a vivid demonstration of China-Africa traditional friendship, and a concrete step to implement President Xi Jinping's pledge of making vaccines a global public good. As of February 21, China has delivered vaccine aid to Equatorial Guinea and Zimbabwe in Africa. In the next phase, we will provide doses to 19 African countries in need, and more to come in the future. Besides, we also support relevant companies in conducting joint R D and manufacturing with foreign partners, and in exporting vaccines to countries that are in urgent need of vaccines, have certified Chinese vaccines, and authorized their emergency use.


By participating in international cooperation on vaccines, China seeks to make vaccines a global public good. Doing the best we can, we will continue supporting and assisting African countries based on their need so that we can defeat the virus together.



Global Times: U.S. independent news website The Greyzone published an article on February 18 that says the U.S. government's accusation of China's "genocide" relied on data abuse and baseless claims, that a close review of the research reveals outright falsehoods, and that the author Adrian Zenz is a far-right Christian fundamentalist employed by a foundation that functions as a US intelligence cut-out. Do you have any comment?


Wang Wenbin: We noticed The Greyzone's article citing a lot of data and facts that reveal how Adrian Zenz abused data, distorted materials, made up cases, used clumsy patchwork and contradicted his own words in his report. It exposes what kind of person Adrian Zenz really is and proves how "Chinese government committed genocide against ethnic monorities in Xinjiang" is an utter lie. This U.S. news report shows that facts speak louder than words, and that justice can always prevail.


For some time, out of hidden political agenda, Adrian Zenz and some anti-China forces outside our country have been fabricating rumors and lies on Xinjiang, trying to catch eyeballs by making fake news to smear China. However, the falsehoods in their words and deeds can never defeat facts and truth. There will be a day when Adrian Zenz and other flagrant slanderers are punished by justice. We hope the international community can see through the nature of these anti-China forces and avoid being misled by their rumors and lies. More and more visionary people worldwide are getting to know more about Xinjiang, understanding China's Xinjiang policy, and speaking up for us. We hope more foreign media can cover news on Xinjiang based on objectivity and impartiality.


We hope some countries and people can acknowledge the fact that Xinjiang enjoys stable development, heed the call of the 25 million Xinjiang residents of various ethnic groups, and read more objective reports on Xinjiang instead of turning a blind eye to the facts or fooling themselves.


I'd like to share some good news with you today. The social media presence of the MFA Spokesperson's Office is further expanded today with the official launch of its Bilibili account. We look forward to receiving your continued attention on and support for China's diplomacy on various social media platforms including WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, Kuaishou, WeChat video channel and Bilibili. Thank you.

以上就是【雙語】例行記者會 2021-2-22的全部內(nèi)容,希望對你有所幫助!


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