A Singer Who Always Wins
Wang Meng
Once a singer finished her performance without receiving any applause from the audience.Afterwards she remarked at a meeting, “What does applause mean? Is it beauty, art, or gold?How much is it worth after all? Once one gets some applause, one’s head will swell. And onewill be treated like a star, given free plane trips and invited to have one’s voice recordedeverywhere. It’s ridiculous! It is nothing but corruption of the mind! Believe it or not, if I hadswayed my hips and sung obscene songs, I would’ve got more applause than the stars.”
Then the singer came up with a suggestion that the audience should be investigated, analysed,and classified in order to prove their applause being worthless or even worse for its negativeeffects.
Later, she gave another performance which won thunderous applause from the audience. Shespoke at another meeting, “Songs are to be appreciated by the audience. What’s the use ofsongs with good content and nice melody if no one likes them? The audience is the best judgewho knows how to strike a balance in the heart. Without the masses’ appreciation, one willonly be serving the few instead of many. And one will be taking the wrong direction by keepingaloof from the masses and indulging in self-admiration. What I heard from the audience wasnot only warm applause, but the beatings of their warm hearts!”
Some time later, members of the musical circles held a symposium and suggested that anunhealthy tendency should be stopped in singing performances, that appreciation levels beraised and good taste be cultivated. The singer then cited her first performance that haddrawn no applause from the audience and claimed,
“See, I dared it! The unhealthy tendency! I dared it indeed!”
After a period of time, there was another symposium among the musical circles. This time it wasproposed that more popular songs be composed and sung. And the singer took her secondperformance as an example to prove her claim,
“See, I did it! The popular songs! I did it indeed!”