他在報告中指出,“平臺很必要,寬松和諧的環(huán)境更重要,在政協(xié)的各種會議和活動中,要始終堅持‘不打棍子、不扣帽子、不抓辮子’的‘三不’方針,提倡熱烈而不對立的討論,開展真誠而不敷衍的交流,鼓勵尖銳而不極端的批評,努力營造暢所欲言、各抒己見的民主氛圍。”Platforms are very necessary, but a relaxing and harmonious environment is more necessary. In all of the meetings and activities of CPPCC, we will always adhere to the principle of “Three don’ts”: don’t use a big stick, don’t label people and don’t pick on others’ faults. We will advocate heated yet non-confrontational debates, communicate sincerely not perfunctorily, encourage penetrating but not extreme criticism, and strive to create a democratic environment in which people can air their views freely.
“不打棍子、不扣帽子、不抓辮子”的官方譯法為don’t use a big stick, don’t label people and don’t pick on others’ faults。“不打棍子”的意思是不會粗暴對待持有批評意見的人,為了更加易于理解,我們也可以譯為don’t use a stick on someone offering criticisms。