The building for the first circuit court in Shenzhen is pictured here on Jan. 27, 2015. [Photo: CFP]
The First Circuit Court of China's Supreme People's Court (SPC) was inaugurated in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, on Wednesday as part of a reorganization designed to better allocate cases and work across the country's court system.
“巡回法庭”可以用circuit court 表示,是最高法派出的常設審判機構(adjudicatory organ)。最高法第一巡回法庭,巡回區(qū)為廣東、廣西、海南三省區(qū),受理11類案件(hear 11 categories of case),全國范圍內重大、復雜的第一審行政案件,(nationwide administrative cases of first instance),在全國有重大影響的第一審民商事案件(civil and commercial cases of first instance with significant influence across the country)等。
最高法巡回法庭的受案范圍很廣,但知識產權(intellectual property rights)、涉外商事(foreign-related commercial cases)、海事海商(maritime)、死刑復核(death penalty review)、國家賠償(national compensation)、執(zhí)行案件(ruling enforcement)和最高人民檢察院抗訴的案件(cases of protests lodged by the SPC)仍暫時由設在北京的最高人民法院本部審理或者辦理。
巡回法庭的主審法官(presiding judge)每兩年進行輪換(rotate every two years),防止與地方形成利益關系。巡回法庭的建立將會使司法體系(justice system)更負責,更受公眾信任。