Tourists take photos with the skyline in the background on a Kowloon promenade that runs along Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong on Sept 26, 2017. [Photo/VCG]
"Taking effect on April 1, residents in the Chinese mainland can apply for passports and travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan at every exit and entry management department across the country. Tourist group visas for all three places can be obtained from self-service machines." Yin Chengji, Vice Director of the National Immigration Administration said at the press conference Tuesday.
全國各地都能辦,即內(nèi)地居民可在全國任一出入境管理窗口(every exit and entry management department across the country)申辦出入境證件;
內(nèi)地居民都能辦,即不受戶籍地、居住地等條件限制(no restrictions on household registration or residence),內(nèi)地居民均可在異地申辦出入境證件;
出國出境證件都能辦(applicable to both passports and travel permits),即中華人民共和國普通護照、往來港澳通行證、往來臺灣通行證等都可在異地申辦。
據(jù)悉,國家移民管理局政務服務平臺將于4月1日起正式上線啟用。國家移民管理局政務服務平臺綜合運用網(wǎng)站、移民局App、第三方平臺多種網(wǎng)上服務方式,目前主要有六大功能:往來港澳臺旅游簽注申辦(apply for travel permits to and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)、證件辦理進度查詢(application status enquiry)、證件預約申請(passport and travel permit appointment)、證件信息查詢(passport and travel permits details)、出入境記錄查詢(records of exit and entry)、辦事指引查詢(instructions)。
國家移民管理局(State Immigration Administration)是根據(jù)第十三屆全國人民代表大會第一次會議批準的國務院機構(gòu)改革方案,將公安部的出入境管理(exit and entry management)、邊防檢查(border inspection)職責整合,于2018年3月組建,由公安部管理。
主要職責是,協(xié)調(diào)擬訂移民政策并組織實施(coordinating and formulating immigration policies and their implementation),負責出入境管理、口岸證件查驗(border control)和邊民往來管理,負責外國人停留居留和永久居留管理(foreigners’ stay)、難民管理、國籍管理(management on refugees and nationality),牽頭協(xié)調(diào)非法入境、非法居留、非法就業(yè)外國人治理( taking lead in coordinating the administering of foreigners who illegally enter, stay or are employed in China)和非法移民遣返(the repatriation of illegal immigrants),負責中國公民因私出入國(境)服務管理( provide exit and entry services for Chinese nationals on private affairs),承擔移民領域國際合作(engage in international cooperation in the field of immigration)等。
出入境管理 exit and entry management
非法入境 illegal entry
永久居留 permanent residence
綠卡 Green card
直系親屬 immediate relative
非移民簽證 nonimmigrant visa
落地簽證 visa upon arrival
逾期停留 overstay