The document urged the incorporation of voluntary blood donations into the social credit system across the nation, and the establishment of an incentive mechanism that provides donors with preferential treatment in using communal facilities or visiting government-run parks.
在提升血站服務(wù)水平方面,通知要求,探索建立“互聯(lián)網(wǎng)+無償獻血(Internet Plus voluntary blood donation)”服務(wù)模式,為獻血者提供個性化服務(wù)(provide personalized services for blood donors)。
The current preferential policy for voluntary blood donors should be improved so that when they or their immediate family members are discharged from the hospital, they could receive a deduction or exemption of blood fees more conveniently.
通知提出,應(yīng)持續(xù)提升血液安全。指導血站建立健全質(zhì)量安全管理體系(blood safety management),完善高危獻血者屏蔽和淘汰制度,健全血液預警機制。相關(guān)部門要根據(jù)當?shù)貍魅静×餍星闆r,完善血液篩查策略(improve blood screening strategies based on the local epidemic situation)。
通知稱,要提升貧困地區(qū)血液保障能力(blood supply and security capacity should also be improved in poverty-stricken areas)。將提升貧困地區(qū)血液供應(yīng)保障能力作為完善血液供應(yīng)體系、保障民眾生命健康權(quán)益的重要內(nèi)容,加大貧困地區(qū)采供血網(wǎng)絡(luò)建設(shè)力度。
光明網(wǎng)就此發(fā)表評論表示,社會征信體系的使用,仍然需要遵循嚴格的使用邊界(there should be a clear boundary where social credit system is applied),它并不是一個什么都能裝的筐。嚴格來說,只有那些跟公民信用緊密相關(guān)的項目,才能夠納入其中(only acts closely linked to personal credit should be taken into social credit system)。像無償獻血這種善舉,盡管有很強的公益性,值得鼓勵推廣,但未必就關(guān)乎個人信用。
A voluntary blood donor may refuse to pay his/her debt, while someone who doesn't participate in blood donation may have a perfect credit record.
獻血 blood donation
輸血 blood transfusion
血型 blood type
無償獻血 non-remunerated blood donation