Georgia: Do you know what the best part is of my new promotion? The expense account! I can’t wait to wine and dine our clients.
Dan: The purpose of the expense account is to win over new clients and to keep our current clients happy. It’s not a personal slush fund, you know.
Georgia: I know. The point is to network and to build client relationships – blah-blah-blah.
Dan: Schmoozing is part of our job and it’s not something to be taken lightly.
Georgia: Of course not. But I’m looking forward to attending charity events to rub elbows with the business elite. Free food, free booze, and free entertainment. What more could I ask for?
Dan: Talk to me in three months after you’ve had a few too many plates of rubber chicken!
Georgia: Do you know what the best part is of my new promotion? The expense account! I can’t wait to wine and dine our clients.
Dan: The purpose of the expense account is to win over new clients and to keep our current clients happy. It’s not a personal slush fund, you know.
Georgia: I know. The point is to network and to build client relationships – blah-blah-blah.
Dan: Schmoozing is part of our job and it’s not something to be taken lightly.
Georgia: Of course not. But I’m looking forward to attending charity events to rub elbows with the business elite. Free food, free booze, and free entertainment. What more could I ask for?
Dan: Talk to me in three months after you’ve had a few too many plates of rubber chicken!