Amy: Test subject D7, aka Besty, fear response study. Image number one: Frenchman on bicycle carrying baguettes.
Amy: No visible reaction. Image number two: Sousaphone.
Amy: Still no reaction. Okay. *Let’s kick things up a notch. Image number three: crocodile with a mouthful of monkeys. Okay, now we’re talking.
Sheldon: Dr. Fowler?
Amy: What do you want, Sheldon?
Sheldon: Well, I’m done with work, so…
Amy: Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, uh… Better?
Sheldon: Oh, baguettes. Yes, I like baguettes. What exactly are you doing?
Amy: Determining baseline fear levels in capuchin monkeys by measuring their response to visual stimuli.
Sheldon: So, goofing off. As I was saying, I’m done with work and Leonard’ s not. So good new, you get to take me home. *Play your cards right, I’ll let you drive me past the lot where the buses park at night.
Amy: I’m very busy. Besides, why would I want to do you a favor after the way you treated me in the cafeteria?
Amy: Image number four: boa constrictor.
*kick things up a notch: 這是一個非??谡Z化的說法。Amy做實驗,測試小猴子對不同圖片的反應,可是小猴子對前兩張圖都無動于衷。所以,Amy說,“Let’s kick things up a notch. ” 這里的意思就是要加大點圖片的刺激強度??谡Z中,人們也會說”Kick it up a notch“, 可以用在不同的情況之中,意思都表示要讓事情更有趣、更讓人興奮,提高強度。比如在做菜時,你可以說:kick it up a notch with fresh garlic (放些鮮蒜提味)。
*play your cards right: 玩牌的時候,你是不是要絞盡腦汁、費盡心機地洞察牌局,再琢磨如何出牌?這個短語從字面上與打牌有關,意思就是“做事有心計、辦事高明”。 例如:If you play your cards right, the job could be yours when she leaves. (如果你夠有心計,等她走了,這個工作就是你的了。)