In higher education, there is a university in Canada,Atherbasca University, that delivers 100 percent ofits courses by what is called distant learning. Nostudents on campus, no campus. All instruction isdelivered online. And they have captured nearly 30percent of all MBA students in Canada. Governmentsare using networks to transform every thing, fromthe way they buy goods and services, to thedelivery of services to citizens. Singapore is putting 10 thousand suppliers online, reducingcosts and increasing efficiency, and by the way is compared with the advantage in Asia. Whenthe government of Verlancia in southern France, starts wiring entire villages, allowing citizens toconduct online transactions with local businesses, schedule a doctor's appointment, getinformation from their kids' school -- you know something interesting is starting to happen.And believe me in America, when in certain stage you can register your car on the Internet andnot have to go a way in line. I can assure you something important is happening. Trust me onthis one.
在高等教育領(lǐng)域,加拿大有一所......大學(xué)完全通過所謂的遠程教育傳授它的課程。校園中沒有學(xué)生,也沒有校園。所有的指導(dǎo)都是在線傳送的。幾乎加拿大全部 MBA 學(xué)生中的 30%都出自這所大學(xué)。政府正在利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)改變著所有的一切,從購買貨物和服務(wù)的方式到向市民提供服務(wù)的方式都在改變。新加坡正在將 1 萬個供應(yīng)商放到網(wǎng)上,降低了成本并且提高了效率,另外還因此在亞洲地區(qū)贏得了有勢。當法國南部的......政府將整個村子連接起來,使得市民可以在線的同本地商業(yè)企業(yè)進行交易、預(yù)約醫(yī)生、從他們的孩子就讀的學(xué)校獲取信息 -- 你們可以看得出,一些有趣的事情正在發(fā)生。請相信我,發(fā)展到一定程度后,在美國你們將能夠在 Internet上注冊汽車而不必排隊等候。我向你們保證,一些重要的事情正在發(fā)生。在這一點上請相信我。