The next morning Edward telephoned Wallis from Boulogne.
"Did you listen to me on the radio?" he asked.
"Yes, of course," she said.
"And how did you feel?"
"I was sitting in my room alone," Wallis said. "And when I listened to your words, I felt so sad. I putmy hands over my eyes and I just cried. I couldn"t stop myself. You have left everything for me. ButI love you so much, Edward, and with me, you"ll be the happiest man in the world."
"I am that already," he replied. "You are all that matters in my life."
Edward married Wallis Simpson six months later, on 3rd June1937. None of the Royal Family cameto the wedding. Edward was forty-three. Wallis was forty-one. And they now took a new name-theDuke and Duchess of Windsor.
A few weeks later Edward wrote to his brother King George. "I was surprised that you didn"t cometo the wedding,"he wrote."But Wallis is now my wife and nothing can change that. As you know, wehave a house in Paris. But France is not my home, and I want to live again at Windsor with Wallis bymy side."
I"m sorry, Edward," King George wrote back. "But you know how I feel about that woman. I do notlike her. I will never like her. You can live here, but Wallis cannot."
"My brother", Edward said later," pushed me away like a dog. I will never forget what he did. Andafter that I decided that I didn"t want my family. They didn"t want Wallis, and so I didn"t wantthem."