煩人的橙子:Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples(忍者龜蘋果)英語(yǔ)字幕
煩人的橙子:: (beatboxing) Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh! Er-rick! Heh-heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
(Daneboe places Green Apple on the counter, and the normal theme song stats playing.)
青蘋果: Ouch! Watch it, bub!
煩人的橙子:: Whoa! Hey! What are you?
青蘋果: Um, I'm an apple.
煩人的橙子:: Heh-heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, that's good! (laughs again)
青蘋果: What's so funny?
煩人的橙子:: Ohhh! So seriously, what are you?
青蘋果: Like I said, I'm an apple.
煩人的橙子:: Yeah, and I'm a hippopotamus! Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
青蘋果: Hey, I'm an apple! Why is that so hard to believe?
煩人的橙子:: Apples are red, not green.
青蘋果: No, apples can be green, too.
煩人的橙子:: What? You're pulling my leg!
青蘋果: No, I'm not.
煩人的橙子:: I know you're not! I don't *have* any legs! Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
青蘋果: (moans angrily)
煩人的橙子:: Hey! Maybe you're green because you fell in some toxic waste!
青蘋果: What?! No!
煩人的橙子:: That's it! You're a mutant! A teenage mutant ninja apple!
青蘋果: No!
煩人的橙子:: (singing) Teenage Mutant Ninja Apple! Weirdo with a green peel! Apple power! Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
青蘋果: Would you please stop it?
煩人的橙子:: Hey! Hey, mutant ninja apple!
青蘋果: I'm just an apple!
煩人的橙子:: Hey! Hey, mutant ninja apple! Hey!
青蘋果: I'm not a mutant ninja! Look, there are all kinds of apples out there.
煩人的橙子:: Yeah! Mutant apples!
青蘋果: No! No, look, there's apples, like-- like Red Delicious.
(The camera then zooms to Red Delicious as he is seen with four female peaches who are cooing and fawning over him. Romantic music begins to play)
PEACHES: Ooh! Ooh!
RED DELICIOUS: Easy, ladies. There's plenty of delicious me to go around. Ha ha ha ha.
(The regular theme song starts playing again.)
青蘋果: And there's other apples, like Red's cousin, Golden Delicious.
(The camera zooms to Golden Delicious as he is seen with four female peaches who are also cooing and fawning over him. Romantic music is playing again.)
PEACHES: Ooh. Ooh! (giggling and kissing noises)
GOLDEN DELICIOUS: Easy, ladies. There's plenty of delicious me to go around. Ha ha ha ha.
(The theme song starts up again.)
青蘋果: Heck, there's even other green apples. Check out Granny Smith.
(The camera then zooms to Granny Smith as she turns out to be a green apple with a wrinkled face. Happy music is playing)
GRANNY SMITH: Come here and give me a kiss! I've got a dollar.
(The normal theme song is playing again.)
青蘋果: You see what I'm talking about, Orange?
煩人的橙子:: Whoa! You guys aren't mutants at all!
青蘋果: (sighs) Thank you.
煩人的橙子:: You're Mighty Morphin Power Apples!
青蘋果: Ah, crap!
煩人的橙子:: Make a giant robot! Make a giant robot!
青蘋果: That's it. I give up.
煩人的橙子:: Hey! Hey, Mighty Morphin Mutant Ninja!
青蘋果: What!?
煩人的橙子:: Can you beatbox?
青蘋果: "Beat" what?
煩人的橙子:: Beatbox! Like this! (begins to beatbox)
青蘋果: (as Orange is beatboxing) Ah, god! Stop it! (Orange continues) HEY! Knock it off! (Orange continues) STOP! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!
煩人的橙子:: Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
青蘋果: You'll give me a headache with all that noise! Can you please just be quiet just for a minute?! PLEASE!
煩人的橙子:: Okay! Man.
青蘋果: Thank you. Geez.
(There is total silence for about 5 seconds.)
煩人的橙子:: Er-rick.
青蘋果: Grrrrrrrr...
煩人的橙子:: Er-rick.
青蘋果: Grrrrrrrr...
煩人的橙子:: Er-rick. Er-rick. Er-rick. Er-rick. Er--
青蘋果: (yelling) Would you please knock it off?!? I'VE HAD ENOUGH!! NO MORE BEATBOXING!!!
煩人的橙子:: Why? It's cool!
青蘋果: No! It's not cool!
(Ominous music begins to play in the background)
青蘋果: It's stupid and annoying, just like you! Tell me something, were you dropped on your head one too many times?!?
煩人的橙子:: Hey! Hey, mutant ninja apple!
青蘋果: WHAT?!? 煩人的橙子:: Shredder!
(Daneboe picks up Green Apple and slices him with the shredder.)
RED DELICIOUS: (as Green continues screaming) Oh, no. Green's down. We've got to stop it.
GOLDEN DELICIOUS: And we can. But only if we use our combined powers. Right, Granny?
GRANNY SMITH: (ominous music plays again) Where's my hug?
(Daneboe picks up all three apples and shreds them.)
煩人的橙子:: (as he listens to the apples' screaming and watches and hears them getting shredded) Ow. There's no knife in teamwork! Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ooh. Ouch.
(The scene goes to black, and then it goes back as happier music starts to play as Daneboe puts an apple pie with the four apples' faces on the countertop.)
煩人的橙子:: Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hey! Hey, Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples! You mutated into a pie! (laughs)
青蘋果: (moans angrily)
煩人的橙子:: (singing) Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples! Heroes in a pie shell, pastry power! Heh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
GRANNY SMITH: Who wants some prune juice?